
Use this java app to configure and monitor your MPP ESP8266 device.

You need java on your PC, MAC or Linux system to use this application.

  1. Install a Java 64bit JRE (or JDK) 1.8 or later. See

  2. Download the MppArduino.jar file into any suitable directory

  3. Double click on the jar to run it, or open a command/terminal window and change to that directory then use javaw -jar {jar name}.jar where javaw is the path to your javaw execution file.

  4. If you get an error message when running the application mentioning version errors double check with "java -version".

Optional: for MppArduino exception stack viewing (if you're developing) you may want the - download, unzip beside MppArduino.jar and select it when analysing a stack trace. Test by issuing the command "forceException" against any MppDevice.

MppArduino can talk directly to your MppDevice via your USB port (select it in the menu) or remotely over TCP (set the device IP in the IP menu and select one of the command options, including "console").