
You can send any commands that the envisalink accepts.

Note that "p" is the partition you wish to change. Typically p is 1. nnnn is your user code.

For IFTTT notifications you would format the command to look like this:

$DSC 0301

When posting a row using the Google Drive sheet commands that are all digits (no letters or special characters) it must be enclosed in quotes.

From AutomationManager the command is sent as is, so would look like:


Separate multiple commands with a comma, e.g.


will send the keystrokes "*2#".

Some common commands:

    • "071p#" # key (handy for testing):
    • "071p*2" should start the trouble LED flashing, "071p#" to stop
    • keystrokes "071pTTTTTT" where T can be up to six of 0-9,a-f,*,#,<,>
    • arm away: "030p"
    • arm stay: "031p"
    • arm immediate: "032p"
    • arm with code: "033pnnnn" (avoid putting your code in IFTTT, use the other commands)
    • disarm: "040pnnnn" (don't do this lest a burglar shouts "disarm" through the window before breaking down your door...)
    • command output: "020px", where x is 1,2,3, or 4
    • panic alarm: "060x", where x is 1 (fire), 2 (Ambulance), or 3 (police)

The DscCommand builder will also show possible commands and syntax, copy/paste the resulting command where you need it.

Email me for help if you need something else.