SSH Servers

An SSH server can be run on a computer within your network or on your router. It can then be used as a secure bridge from your phone while you are on the road. It works by routing encrypted communication from an SSH client on your phone into your secure network to access the remote device.

The DscKeypad can be used over SSH for secure remote access to the envisalink card and as an alternative to running the DscServer.

Your phone needs to be running an SSH client such as ConnectBot connected to your SSH server running within your network. The SSH server is exposed through your firewall to the outside world, and the SSH client on your phone bridges through it securely to devices running inside your network.

Setup a DDNS (dynamic domain naming service) to make it easy to find your external IP address from your phone.

Make sure you can connect internally (inside your network) using a userid/password first before configuring security, then setup certificate based authentication.

Once that is working, setup your router to forward to port 22 of your SSH server and attempt to connect externally.

  • Use a non standard port if possible. You may need to open the port in your firewall. Note that outgoing access from your phone to non non standard ports may be blocked by the firewalls at some locations, preventing you from connecting.
  • Attempts will be made to hack into your system routinely on port 22, typically with a dictionary attack on root if you use the standard port.
  • Use certificate based security!
  • Disable userid / password access