Couter: EP frequncy counter

@7/30 2012,

ALL right reserved.

Equal precision counter block diagram

This is the most decent, High Performance  device i ever design till now.  the project completed about 1 years ago, around July, 2011, after a year using, it's time to say, it's my successful first step toward to RF world.

The frequency counter is the most easy thing to built for me, and would be the lab grade instrument. it's so useful.

How the Frequency meter works

The counter board

counter board is the core of whole project. basic idea is 2 identical counter for reference clock and the DUT clock. And time gate  is control by DUT signal's raise/down edge.  so

DUT frequncy= (dut counter)/(reference counter) x reference clock frequncy 

using a 12Mhz reference clock ensure 1-10Mhz DUT system error < 1HZ. in practical using, 1-10Mhz crystal oscillate had no +-1HZ jump in short time.

  Reference clock counter

IC5,IC1A,IC1B form a high speed percale but keep the cycle number,this it to say, no precision loss.

DUT frequncy counter

identical to reference counter, but the 74F74 IC4A, control the gate of sample period. to ensure start/stop at DUT's edge pulse.

Control board

mega8 had a 16bit counter and a 12bit counter, cascade with hardware pre-counter form a 28bit counter for DUT and a 24bit counter for reference clock.

The Counter PCB

The 3 wire LCD board

utilize the 595 chip,  a serial to parallel LCD driver.

Amplifier and Pre-scaler board

LC meter

this the clone of famous LM311 LC meter. reference:

Home brew PCB: perfect hole alignment

Look, how perfect double side PCB hole is alignment!!  even better than some factory grade. This is the secondary board i made for this meter.

Initial Testing

Boxing Stage 1


Boxing stage 2

LM2576 Power Board 

@April/25  2016

the old instrument box have a power transformer provide 18V output, this LM2576 DC-DC convert it to 7V output,  high efficiency and 500mA auto recover fuse protection.