Math 421-Spring 2016


Math 421 - The Theory of Single Variable Calculus- Section 3

Spring 2016       MWF  9:55 - 10:45 am           Van Hise 201


Instructor: Laura Villafuerte Altúzar

Phone number: (608) 263-1350


Office: 311 Van Vleck

Office Hours: Monday 13:00-14:00 pm, Wednesday 12:30-13:00 pm, 14:30-15:00  and by appointment.


Assignments will be posted here. Homework will be assigned every week and it will be collected every Friday at the beginning of the class. Make sure to communicate clearly the process used to solve each problem in your homework. No credit will be given if you just write down the answer. Remember that your homework is an individual assignment. Students may work in groups, but copying is prohibited. Copying will result in a zero on an assignment.


Your final grade for the semester will be computed as follows:

Homework: 15%

Midterm Exam I: 25%

Midterm Exam II: 25%

Final Exam: 35%

E-mail policy:

Homework questions will not be answer by e-mail. Instead you can come to my  office hours or make an appointment by e-mail. 

McBurney Students:

If you need special accommodations, please contact me as soon as possible.


If you are unable to attend the day of an exam you must let me know at least one week in advance. Vacation plans are not a valid excuse. Medical emergencies require a physician’s note.