Math 213-Fall 2016


Math 213    -    Applied Calculus 

Spring 2016       TTh at 8:00 am - 9:15 am           B130 Van Vleck (VV)


Instructor: Laura Villafuerte Altúzar

Phone number: (608) 263-1350


Office: 407 Van Vleck

Office Hours: Monday 5:00-6:00 pm, Thursday 9:45-10:15 am and by appointment.

Teaching staff:

Course Description: This course is a sequel to Math 2ll for students, primarily in social sciences and finance, who need to develop more techniques than are covered in Math 211. Students in Math 213 whose calculus background is not very recent will need to review problems in elementary calculus. Some class time is assigned for this, but students should be prepared to put considerable effort into review. Students who will eventually wish to take higher level mathematics courses should not take this course, but should go through the sequence 221-222-234.

Textbook: Larson, Calculus, An Applied Approach, 9ed. You will need to purchase either hybrid (print+electronic)

version or electronic-only version.

Quizzes: You will have short weekly quizzes on the material of your  homework. There will be no makeup quizzes under any circumstances. However, we will drop two lowest quiz scores. The first quiz will be on the week of September 12.


Assignments will be posted here. Homework will be assigned every Monday and it will be collected next week at the beginning of your disscusion section. No late homework will be accepted. However, the worst two grades in homework assignments will not be considered. If you need to miss a class when homework is due, you are expected to make arrangements with your TA to turn in your homework ahead of time.  Homework problems are only for completeness. This means that you must do all problems assigned in order to obtain full credit.

Remember that your homework is an individual assignment. Students may work in groups, but copying is prohibited. Copying will result in a zero on an assignment.


Your final grade for the semester will be computed as follows:

Homework: 15%

Quizzes: 10%

Midterm Exam I: 20%

Midterm Exam II: 20%

Final Exam: 35%

Since some TAs are more rigorous than other TAs, so section grades will be adjusted at the end of the semester.

The curve will be decided after the final exam.

Email policy:

All questions should first be directed to your TA. If your TA does not know the answer to your question she/he will ask me and get back to you. Please e-mail me only from your account. Short, direct questions that require short answers are best. If you have a longer question, please ask me after class or during office hours.

McBurney Students:

If you need special accommodations, please contact me as soon as possible.

Lecture schedule:  You can find a tentative schedule in the syllabus of this class.


If you have an inevitable conflict with attending the day of an exam, you must let me know at least two weeks in advance. Emergencies will be dealt with as special cases.

Books, tablets, phones, computers and calculators will not be permitted for exams. Bring your student ID.

Past exams:

Here is a link to old Math 213 exams.


There are several resources available when you want help outside of lecture and disscusion: