

M408D - Sequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus: 54126-54127

Spring 2017           MWF 9:00 am - 10:00 am                 RLM 4.102            


Instructor: Laura Villafuerte Altúzar

Email: altuzar@math.utexas.edu 

Office: RLM 13.148

Office Hours: MWF 12:30-1:30 P

Teaching assistant: Max Riestenberg

Email: riestenberg@math.utexas.edu

Office: RLM 9.116

Office Hours:

Course description: M408D coverts a variety of topics such as techniques of integration, differential equations, parametric curves, infinite sequences and series, and derivatives and integrals of multivariable functions.

Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in M408C or equivalent.

Textbook: Calculus, Early Transcendentals (Seventh Edition) by James Stewart.

Syllabus: You will find a tentative schedule of the course in our Syllabus. 

Attendance: Attendance in class and discussion are required but will not be recorded for a grade.

Homework: Assignments will be posted here. Homework will be assigned every Thursday and it will not be collected. For feedback on homework assigments students are encouraged to attend office hours, CalcLab and to work in study groups.

Quizzes: You will have short quizzes every Thursday on the material of your homework. There will be no makeup quizzes under any circumstances. However, we will drop two lowest quiz scores. The first quiz will be on January 26.

Exams: There will be three midterm exams, they will be given in class. The final exam will be comprehensive and the date, time, and locations is determined by the University.

If you have an inevitable conflict with attending the day of an exam, you must let me know at least two weeks in advance. Emergencies will be dealt with as special cases.

Books, tablets, phones, computers and calculators will not be permitted for exams. Please bring your student ID for all exams.

Grading: Your final grade for the semester will be computed as follows: 

Quizzes: 15%

Midterm Exam I: 20%

Midterm Exam II: 20%

Midterm Exam III: 20% 

Final Exam: 25%

Grade scale: Your course grade with letters grades will be computed according to: A (100-93), A- (92- 90), B+ (89-87), B (86-83), B- (82-80), C+ (79-77), C (76-73), C- (72-70), D+ (69-67), D (66-63), D- (62-60), F (59-0).

Email policy: All questions should first be directed to your TA. If your TA does not know the answer to your question she/he will ask me and get back to you. Short, direct questions that require short answers are best. If you have a longer question, please ask me after class or during office hours.

Calculator Policy: Calculators will not be allowed on the exams

Sanger Center: Additional help is available at the Sanger Learning Center. Please check their website for free drop-in tutoring, free 408 K/L Exams reviews, and free refreshers in Calculus, Algebra, and Trigonometric: www.utexas.edu/ugs/slc

Students with disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information contact Services for Students with Disabilities. http://ddce.utexas.edu/disability/

Mental Health: To help with stress, study habits, crises, or any personal matters, please look for assistance at the Counseling and Mental Health Center on Campus www.cmhc.utexas.edu

Drop days: The last day to drop the class for academic reasons is April 3, 2017. After this day students may go to the Dean’s Office to request a drop for urgent nonacademic reasons.