

M325K - Discrete Mathematics 

Unique number: 53820

Spring 2018     MWF 11:00 AM - 11:50      AM RLM 5.124


Instructor: Laura Villafuerte Altúzar

Email: altuzar@math.utexas.edu

Office: RLM 13.148

Office Hours: MWF 3:05 - 4:05 PM and by apointment.

Course website: https://sites.google.com/site/lauravillafuertealtuzar030680/home/teaching/m325k 

Textbook: Discrete Mathematics: Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning by Susanna S. Epp, First Edition (Brief Edition)

Honor Code: The class is expected to uphold The University of Texas at Austin Honor Code. The core values of the University of Texas at Austin are learning, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsability. Each member of the University is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, and respect toward peers and community.

Objectives of the course: Understand mathematical arguments by having a solid understanding of logic and the way in which known facts can be combine to prove new facts.

Contents of the course: Fundamentals of logic and set theory; basic properties of integers, and elementary number theory; methods of proofs; recursion and induction.

Course description: This is a first course that emphasizes understanding and creating proofs. Therefore, it provides a transition from the problem-solving approach of calculus to the entirely rigorous approach of advanced courses such as M365C or M373K. The number of topics required for coverage has been kept modest so as to allow adequate time for students to develop theorem-proving skills.

Prerequisites: M408D or M408L, with a grade of at least C-

Syllabus: You will find a  tentative schedule of the course in our syllabus. 

Attendance: Attendance in class is required but will not be recorded for a grade.

Homework: There will be weekly homework posted here. Homework will be due every Friday morning at the beginning of the class. No late homework will be accepted for any reason. However, the three lowest homework grades will be dropped.

Homework Instructions: Please, write your name and your UT EID at the top of the page of your turned assignments. Make sure to write your HW in detail and staple multiple pages. An organized work is expected for every homework. A neat presentation is important in this class.

Quizzes: You will have 6 quizzes during the semester on the material of the homework. There will be no makeup quizzes under any circumstances. However, we will drop two lowest quiz scores.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams, they will be given in class. The final exam will be comprehensive and the date, time, and locations is determined by the University.

• If you have an inevitable conflict with attending the day of an exam, you must let me know at least two weeks in advance. Emergencies will be dealt with as special cases.

• Books, tablets, phones, computers and calculators will not be permitted for exams. Please bring your student ID for all exams.

Grading: Your final grade for the semester will be computed as follows: 

Homework: 30% 

Quizzes: 10%

Midterm Exam I: 15 %

Midterm Exam II: 15% 

Final Exam: 30%

Grade scale: Your course grade with letters grades will be computed according to: A (100-93), A- (92- 90), B+ (89-87), B (86-83), B- (82-80), C+ (79-77), C (76-73), C- (72-70), D+ (69-67), D (66-63), D- (62-60), F (59-0).

Student Conduct: All devices must be put away out of sight during class and in silent mode. If you will be late or leave early, please let me know in advance. Coming and going during class is distracting for your peers and the instructor.

Calculator Policy: Calculators will not be allowed on the exams

Students with disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information contact Services for Students with Disabilities. http://ddce.utexas.edu/disability/

Mental Health: To help with stress, study habits, crises, or any personal matters, please look for assistance at the Counseling and Mental Health Center on Campus www.cmhc.utexas.edu

Drop days: The last day to drop the class for academic reasons is April 2, 2018. After this day students may go to the Dean’s Office to request a drop for urgent non-academic reasons.