
2009.04.07 16:48 Tuesday


I'm proud to announce that after 9 weeks of inactivity largenumbers.googlepages.com has officially been "reactivated" by myself ( Sbiis Saibian ). This means that I will again be devoted to providing new content, and modifying old content to provide the most complete and accurate learning experience into the world of large numbers available.

I am currently working on a whole new chapter, and have many ideas for new content which I am now developing.

Unfortunately I am still somewhat limited in the time I have available to work on this site. Therefore the website will temporarily be on a "probationary status". What this means in this context is that new content will be released much slower than normal. As I mentioned in an earlier announcement ( See 2009.01.10 ), producing new content every week has proven to be a feverish pace for me. Rather than merely decide a pace I will let the situation determine the pace. This means that there will be no definite time frame between updates.

It may be several weeks before I am ready to publish new content. That being said, I look forward to the release of the next big chapter : "Section II : Chapter 2 - The tools of Science". It will discuss both scientific notation and the SI prefixes in some depth. This chapter is meant to accompany "Section II : chapter 1" in that it provides an explaination for some of the notation and terminology used there. I believe the new chapter will be a valuable addition to the site.

Lastly I'd like to mention a small change to the "additional links" page. There is now a new website listed among my recommended sites. It's a wiki called "googology". Basically it's an encyclopedia for large numbers. A lot of the popular terminology and functions can be found here. It's goals seem to be similar to mine. On the "about us" page they explain the purpose of the sites existence :

" Googology Wiki was made because almost all information about googology was scattered all over the Internet. To study large numbers, you have to look all over the World Wide Web where you get bits and pieces of information on googology. There were no websites about googology where everything was brought to one spot—until now. "

--Googology wiki site

This is actually one of my websites goals. I also added a link to another older project of mine. It's a small collection of short stories I wrote. It's listed below the link to my polynominoes website. They are actually a set of "fables" I wrote a few years back. If your interested just check out the "additional links" page under the "additional information" section, or you can jump directly to it here .

Just a quick note, the article entitled "Mathematicians unveil largest known integer" released on april 1st 2009 was simply an april fools joke. The information contained in it was almost entirely fictitious and was based off of another spoof article entitled "Numbers in the News : Mathematicians Discover largest number" by iowahawk. The original spoof article can be found here .

I hope this announcement alleviates any confusion in regards to this site and it's future development. I probably won't be making another announcement, but I will be making a new update soon, perhaps around the beginning of next month. I will have to see how things go.

Again I thank my visitors for their continued interest and hope to publish something new soon.

Sincerely ,

-- Sbiis Saibian