
2009.01.24 10:16 Saturday

Firstly I am happy to report that I will probably be able to continue working on this website. This means that my findings will be published as I write articles explaining them, and it also means that new content will continue to be published for the foreseeable future.

However, I still have other things I need to work on at this time. Since I can't be sure how long this will take I have made the decision that it would be best to put this website on temporary "hiatus".This means that while the site is on "hiatus" no new content will be published, although I may still occasionally drop by to make some corrections and further service announcements.

The amount of time for this status will be provisionally indefinite. When my schedule finally lets up enough to give me time to work on this site and provide updates at a reasonable pace I will make an announcement that the site is being "reactivated". Until then I will only make rare announcements if anything changes. I still have plans for this website and I hope that I will be able to return to it soon. I haven't given up yet, and all I ask is that you bare with me here as I get things in order. If you check in once and a while eventually I will return to my efforts to construct this site.

Thank you for your interest in this site whether your a new comer or return visitor. It remains to be seen what 2009 will bring...


-- Sbiis Saibian