NCC my experience

I was in NCC from 1993-1995, during my class 9th and 10th, and 1998-2001, during my engineering. At school level NCC is call "Junior division NCC" and at college level it is call "Senior division NCC". I was awarded best cadet and was highest rank holder in both the divisions. Let me narrate one of my experience of senior division.

I was awards with the highest rank as an NCC Cadet. Highest rank came with greater responsibility and challenge of leading the historically underdog group of the engineering students. Putting our group on the top among 15 other formidable groups, in the competitions in an NCC residential camp, required disciplined-training, dedicated effort, consistent motivation and organizing and recognizing talents. It was there that I came to know that it is difficult to lead a team of intellectuals, even more when they are numerous and young. It was a case when I was offered to lead our troop of NCC[1] for a year in my undergrads. In NCC, a leader is always selected for his initiatives and passion to take responsibilities; I was elected to lead NCC Company of 200 cadets of our institute.

The teams comprised of diverse cadets - few were 'intellectual-young-blood-beyond-rules', few other – their followers – and remaining few tractable. I imparted a vision in the team “our unit never won any competition in camps we will do whatever to win few this time and create history”. Getting them at work was a challenge; I made a plan to use 'beyond-rules and followers' to think out of the box for competitions such as tent design and creative cultural activities and the rest in more focused and rule based competitions such as – drill competition, sports and working on few tasks requiring chore. I volunteered to be a member in few teams. The leaders reported to me at each milestone. At times, I had to be autocratic, rest of the time I cared for my cadets and got permission for letting them go to attend their semester examination. It created ample trust amongst the cadets about the whole team and generated additional sense of responsibility towards delivering the set vision. In few days of hard work we became a formidable team and won all the competitions namely, Camp-Layout, Tug-of-War, Volleyball, best performance in cultural program and above all the prestigious Best Drill competition. For this performance of our team the Group head said – “I never expected this performance from your unit” it changed history of 35 years.

It was amazing to win the trust of the organizing battalions; camp commandment offered me additional responsibility to compere the cultural program. This outstanding performance of my zealots, taught me that when an individual is self-motivated, leader can expect miracles from him and creating an environment of trust, care and vision guides him and mutual confidence and belief motivates him.

[1] National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming high school and undergraduate youth of the country, created under the Indian Defence Act 1917 under the Ministry of Defense of Govt of India.

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