Pokemon Stadium Codes


PAL codes tested on a real N64. Codes marked with (JS) were created by me.

If you need help with these codes please email me at james.boshikoopa@gmail.com

Mini game codes

Demo mode (JS)

This code forces all four players to be CPU controlled in the Kids club mini game mode. To do this, select Kids club and press A on controller one to say you want to play and choose the next option but don't press A. Now activate this code:


84124851 0001

which will cause the blue circle to go away, showing all CPU players.

Next, deactivate the code and press A to begin game play. Take note that if you had previously selected to play just one game, 1P still has to pick the first game despite all four players being CPU.

Kids club force number of wins to be champion (JS)


8412FD8D 00xx

xx=number of wins to become champion. If this value is zero you only have to win one game to be champion so it functions the same as a win of one.

Hyper hard difficulty in mini game mode (JS)

Select the number of players and when you're on the menu for choosing the difficulty level, enter and turn on this code:


84124859 0003

Press A and then turn off the code; after the first game it should say HYPER at the top. Replace the 3 with these values for the other difficulty levels:

0=Easy, 1=normal and 2=hard.

Clefairy says "Super sudden death!" (JS)

Activate this code before the mini game starts to force all four players' health to be zero and then turn the code off when the game begins:


8418F589 0000

8418F749 0000

8418F909 0000

8418FAC9 0000

Each of the above codes are for 1P, 2P, 3P and 4P's health; you can swap the 0000 for values up to 0064 (100 in decimal).

All content of this and related pages is copyright (c) James S. 2007-2008