Map Squares

The original sources for the place names in the GPN database are copies of the Survey of Ghana 1962 (1:500,000) and 1967 (1:400,000) Road Maps. The 1962 map lacks the changes caused by the creation of the Volta Lake and has some damage, but shows more places and so is given here. In the grid below are scans of half-degree squares from this map.

Coloured inserts are repairs using the 1967 map.

Left-click a square to open a full-size image.

Right-click a square and 'Save Link/Target As ...' to download.

Key: BF = Burkina Faso C d'I = Cote d'Ivoire T = Togo GofG = Gulf of Guinea

Scale: The width & height of a half-degree square is approximately 34 miles, or 55 kilometres.