Dearden - College of Arms Details

The pedigree of the Deardens, as entered at the College of Arms

in 1841, begins with

Richard Dearden of Handle Hall, who married Isabella and was buried at

Rochdale, 26th May, 1630 . He had a brother James, who had lands in Bottomley .

Richard Dearden had issue James Dearden of Whitfield and Handle Hall, who married

Jane a daughter of Robert Newall of Town House (born in 1625, died 1683) . He was

buried at Rochdale, 3oth June, 1672 . [See monument.] He had issue :

(r) John ; of whom presently .

(2) Charles of Swainrod [near Handle Hall] ; married and had issue a son John .

(3) Mary ; born 1659.

(4) Edmund ; born 1662 .

(5) James ; born 1665 ; died in infancy.

(6) James ; born 1667 .

(7) Grace ; born 1669 .

John Dearden, eldest son of James Dearden, was born zest October, (655 ; he lived at

Whitfield and Handle Hall ; he married in 1677 Jane the daughter of Richard Ingham

of Cleggswood, gentleman [see p. 350], and died 31st December, 1687 .

He had issue :

(r) James ; of whom presently.

(2) Mary ; married (first) Charles Chadwick, an attorney-at-law of Rochdale, and

(second) William Nuttall of Rochdale .

(3) Alice.

(4) Ledia ; married James Jacques of Middleton .

James, the son and heir of John Dearden of Handle Hall, yeoman, was born 27th

April, 1682 ; he married (first), rst April, r7o5, Margaret, daughter of the Rev . Joshua

Dixon, M.A ., curate of Ringley, Lancashire, who died in 1725 ; (second) Mrs . Elizabeth

Fallows ; he was buried at Ringley 12th June, 1749 . He had issue

(1) John ; of whom presently .

(2) James Dearden of Lancaster ; died in 1799, aged ninety . S.P .

(3) Joshua, of London ; died 1777 .

(4) Robert ; died S.P.

' Baines (list . of Lane.) puts a Thomas Dearden as rector of Bury in 1599, which is wrong, as Peter

Shaw was rector 1570-1608, and was succeeded by Dr. whatmough, who (lied 1623 .

2 A hanger is the strap in which a sword was hung.OLD HOUSES AND OLD FAMILIES.-HUNDERSFIELD.


(5) Simon ; an attorney of Rochdale ; he was twice married-first, to Ann Wood,

and second, to Ann Wolfenden . He had children by both wives, but they all died S.P .

during their father's lifetime. In x745 the dwelling-houses, stables, &c., called the

Orchard in Falinge were purchased by him from the representatives of the late Josiah

Gartside and a little later we find him acquiring a right to put an arch over the Lortbourne from his garden wall "to the red door going into the Lower Gates wheelpit ."'

He lived for some time at the Orchard, and died in 1795, aged eighty years .'

(6) Lydia ; married (first) William Holt and (second) Edward Bailey.

John Dearden, the eldest son of James Dearden, born 7th February, 1706, was of

Ringley ; he married, 18th September, 1735, Miss Mary Greave of Outwood, Prestwich,

and died on 16th May, 1774, leaving issue a daughter, Mary, who died in infancy, and

one son, James Dearden of Ringley, born 16th March, 1739, married, loth December,

1773, Alice, daughter of Mr. Walworth of Eccles (she afterwards married Thomas

Worsley) ; he died 4th June, 1791, and was buried at Ringley. He had issue

(r) James ; of whom hereafter .

(2) Simon, who died unmarried in 1790 .

(3) Joshua ; a captain in Third Lancashire Militia ; died 1828 . S .P .

(4) Ralph ; born in 1788, died 1817 ; buried at York (unmarried).

James Dearden, the eldest son of James Dearden, was of Handle Hall and afterwards of the Orchard ; he was born 21st July, 1774 . He purchased the manorial rights

of Rochdale . [See p . 30.]

He married Frances, third daughter of Thomas Ferrand of

Thornhill in Yorkshire, and died 13th February, 1828, aged fifty-four years, having issue

(1) James ; of whom presently .

(2) Elizabeth ; died in London r86o, unmarried.

(3) Thomas ; born 28th February, i8o, ; attorney and coroner for , the Rochdale

division ; he married Emma,s daughter of the Rev. William Hodgson, head master of the

Rochdale Grammar School ; he died at the Elms, Rochdale, January, 1870. S .P .

(4) Henry Dearden ; born 24th June, 1805 ; married, 1st June, 1837, Julia, a

daughter of Joseph Ashton of Castleton ; he died at Keswick, 1859 . He had issue :

Charles Ferrand and Edith .

(5) Peregrine Royds Dearden ; born loth June, 1811 ; married, 28th June, 1838,

Sarah, daughter of George Walkden of Mansfield in Nottinghamshire . He had issue .

James Dearden, the eldest son of James Dearden of the Orchard, born 3oth July,

1798, was a barrister-at-law ; he married, 4th November, 1829, Jane, daughter of the Rev .

William Griffith, M .A., rector of Llanwrog, Carnarvon ; she died at Whitham Hall,

Lincoln 23rd January, 1866 ; her husband died at Rochdale 2nd January, 1862 . They

had issue

'Title Deeds .-Raines' b1SS ., ix ., 74, 84 .

'There was another Simon Dearden who married Sarah, the daughter of James Clegg of Little Clegg ;

he lived at Marled Earth, where he died Oct ., 1760 . He had sons-John, buried 6th June, 1789 ; and James,

buried 18th September, 1805 . John Dearden of Hades, husbandman, married Mary, another daughter of

James Clegg .-Little Clegg Deeds (Raines' MSS ., ix., 112) .

3 She presented to the Rochdale Church two brass alms dishes, on which are engraved the Dearden arms .

On one of the plates is inscribed, "D . O . M. Ha:c vasa elemosinaria in usum S . Cedda, Rochdale