Blackboard 9.1 FACULTY Docs

Note: corresponding student documentation is available at the DL Student Support Site. (

NC State upgraded to Blackboard version 9.1 June 14-16, 2011.

For further assistance:

Live Phone Help: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 419.755.4706 

After Hours Emergency Callback Service: 419.545.0808 (Leave a Message- a DL Staff member will call you back within 24 Hrs)


Adding a Grade Center Column - narrated video tutorial - 2 minutes, 20 seconds

Adding and Removing Students Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 4 mins., 30 seconds

Adding a rubric to a Gradeable Item Narrated Tutorial - Video tutorial - 3 mins., 11 seconds

Adding content areas video tutorial - Narrated video tutorial - 2 minutes, 30 seconds

Adding Multimedia in a Content item - Narrated Video tutorial - 3 minutes, 5 seconds

Anonymous Grading Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 2mins., 7 seconds

Blackboard's 9.1 Searchable Faculty Help Files - Search for s specific topic in Blackboard's 9.1 documentation.

Blackboard's Intro to BB 9 - narrated video tutorial - 3 minutes, 25 seconds

BLACKBOARD KNOWN ISSUES-WORK AROUNDS LIST - Complete catalog of all known current issues & issues with work arounds (compiled by our hosting provider, Univ. of Cincinnati)

Building a Quiz/Test Question Pool Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 2 mins., 39 seconds

Cleaning up Graded Assignment Files Narrated Tutorial - Video tutorial - 1 min., 47 seconds

Color Code the Grade Center Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 2 mins., 34 seconds

Course Files Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 6 min., 40 seconds

Creating a "Quiz Bowl"/Jeopardy Question Narrated tutorial - Video Tutorial - 3 mins., 30 seconds

Creating a Course Link - Narrated Video Tutorial - 1 minute, 56 seconds

Creating a Grade Report Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 2 mins., 43 seconds

Creating a grading Rubric in Blackboard Narrated tutorial - Video tutorial - 3 mins., 10 seconds

Creating a Journal - Narrated video tutorial - 1 min., 55 seconds

Creating a Quiz or Test Narrated tutorial - Video Tutorial - 3 mins., 50 seconds

Creating Blogs - narrated video tutorial - 2 minutes, 45 seconds

Creating Grading Notes Narrated Tutorial - Video tutorial - 1 min., 24 seconds

Creating Groups & Adding Students - narrated video tutorial - 2 minutes, 45 seconds

Creating Smart Views Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 3 mins., 12 seconds

Customize Course Modules - Narrated Video Tutorial - 2 minutes 10 seconds

Customizing the Grade Center View Narrated Tutorial - Video tutorial - 1 min., 39 seconds

Downloading Submitted Assignments Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial -1 min., 35 seconds

Editing the Course Menu - Narrated video tutorial - 3 minutes, 46 seconds

Editing Wiki Pages - Narrated Video tutorial - 1 min., 36 seconds

Getting Started with a Wiki - Narrated Video tutorial - 2 mins., 46 Seconds

Grading a Test Question by Question Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 1 min., 58 seconds

Grading with the Rubric tool Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 3 mins., 17 seconds

How to Make a Tool Available on the Course Menu - narrated video tutorial - 1 minute, 45 seconds

Narrated demo of bare-bones What's New in 9.1 Tour - Video tutorial - 5 mins., 57 seconds

Narrated Video - COmmenting on a Journal Entry - Narrated video - 1 min., 27 seconds

Performance Dashboard Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 1 min., 40 seconds

SEE "Student Enrollment" - SEE "Student Enrollment"

SEE "Student Enrollments" - SEE "Student Enrollments"

Setting Quiz-Test options Narrated Tutorial - Video tutorial - 2 mins., 35 seconds

Tagging a Quiz/Test questions for Reuse Narrated tutorial - Video Tutorial - 3 mins., 8 seconds

Upload test questions from Excel Narrated Tutorial - Video tutorial - 3 mins., 25 seconds

Using the Text Editor - narrated video - 3 minutes

Viewing & Downloading Grade History Narrated Tutorial - Video Tutorial - 1 min., 17 seconds

Viewing Grade Details Narrated tutorial - Video Tutorial - 2 mins., 9 seconds