CDC Studies on Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

2014 CDC Study on Child Maltreatment "Of the child victims, 78% were victims of neglect; 18% of physical abuse; 9% of sexual abuse; and 11% were victims of other types of maltreatment, including emotional abuse and threatened abuse, parent's drug/alcohol abuse, or lack of supervision .... in 2012, 54% of perpetrators were women and 45% of perpetrators were men"

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010-2012 and here are a couple of summary charts from the report:


Here is a study from Australia (admittedly, this is veering off topic from the CDC).

Here is a study from New Zealand "It is important to note that some men also experience domestic violence, but the statistics are asymmetrical. The Ministry of Justice's 2014 New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey found that 14 per cent of men report experiencing intimate partner violence, while the percentage of women is almost double at 26 per cent. In the four years between 2009 and 2012, 76 per cent of intimate partner violence-related deaths were perpetrated by men, compared to the 24 per cent perpetrated by women"


On the vaguely related topic of sexual assault, as reported by CNN: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 24.8% of American men experience sexual violence at some point in their lives.