Canada CTV Investigates Parental Alienation

CTV in Canada investigated parental alienation and found it is real, some courts do not handle it well well, and some treatments work. Click the link to the left to read the story.

In summary:

    1. A child who was alienated committed suicide. The erased parent was long out of the picture. The courts had many opportunities to help but did nothing.

    2. Some judges are taking effective action. For example, Justice Harvey Brownstone says "Parents who are on a campaign to destroy the child's relationship with the other parent could lose custody."

    3. Some treatment programs, for mild and moderate, cases are reconnecting families. After treatment, one parent said "Oh my God, [my ex] hated me" and "I was like the [bear] guarding the door, not letting my [ex] near my kids...I just wanted to protect them, to keep them safe." More importantly, after treatment, the parent said "I think I'm a better [parent] because I'm happier" and "I'm not trying to create any wedges between my kids and their [other parent]".

A pdf version of the story is located here.

See also See also: ABC 2020 exposes Parental Alienation , CNN exposes parental alienation , 60 Minutes exposes parental alienation , and the BBC exposes parental alienation