Programmer (Prog) is the heart of the app, following the philosophy of the major consoles of the market, it's the place where you can change values to alter the DMX output.

The values of the programmer take the highest priority over other values, even when you set values to zero after you change values (check values on white).

Touch the CLEAR Button to clear the Programmer.

By default, when you record something, the values recorded are taken from the programmer. You can change it momentarily to record all the DMX output via MENU > OPTIONS > Record mode : Stage (this flag will be reset when you restart the app)

From Right to Left


To move around all 512 dmx channels of selected Output

Button +

Increase Page Number

Button -

Decrease Page Number

*TIP : You can Increase or decrease Pages sliding on the Right border ( where values are)


To Select the Output port (Remember to enable it on Settings)

Simple or Complex selection

On Simple Select Mode, just set faders one by one

On Multi-Select Mode, you can set multiple faders at once setting just the first one...

Ideally to manage led panels or fixtures groups.

On touch change betwen Simple to Multi-Select Mode

When Touch&Hold Multi-Select Config dialog appears

Multi-Select Config

On "Every": Set Channels that you want to jump (channels by fixture)

On "By": Set number of times that you want repeat the selection (number of fixtures)


You can set a name for every channel in order to know what's that.

to do it, Touch&Hold the number of the channel.

You can NOT do this with fixture channels