Know issues

R10.1 (Actual version)

  • Crash on some devices when try to find Node (SOLVED on Next Release)
  • Crash on Fixture library when you write an space at the beginning (SOLVED on Next Release)


  • Crash on some devices running Android 6 on start (SOLVED on Next release)
  • Wrong data movement in CUES and PRESETS when re-patch / unpatch fixtures (SOLVED on next release)
  • Due to the previous ISSUE, APP crash randomly on start and only works after a DATA CLEAR from android settings (SOLVED on next release)
  • Very slow (desperated) unpatch system (SOLVED on next release)
  • LOAD executors to the programmer send wrong information about SHAPES on PRESETS (SOLVED on next release)


- App start with faders at Full on Android 6 and you can not change their size (Solved on R09)

- Issues with Tap Tempo on Loop Cuelist (Solved on R09)

- DMX-In "Channels controls SUBS" not work correctly (Solved on R09)

- Wrong "Locate" in some parameters with some Fixtures (p.ex. VL3500) (Solved on R09)

R08 b2

- CUELISTS scroll automatically to the active Cuelist when loop or Tloop is running (Solved on next release)

- Some buttons don't show correct state after press it on some devices with Android 5.x (FINE, FAN, select mode, ...). (Solved on next release)

R08 b1

- On "edit patch" when change address between one or more fixtures, second one and subsequent dissapear from programmer causing Crash on next edit(Solved on R08 b2)

- Crash on "edit patch" when (address of a fixture + number of fixture channels) exceed the limit of 512 (Solved on R08 b2)


- App crash in certain cases when you are trying to activate Node Mode (touch'n hold left top icon) and no wifi interface is enabled (Solved on R08)


- Crash when there are not libs in "fixtures_libs" directory (Solved on R07)

- When try to record a submaster in (STAGE record mode) value of same submaster is not recorded (Solved on R07)

- There is a problem on fixtures where LSByte is not after MSByte in 16 resolution parameters like CP GoldenScan or Isolution 575, etc... (Solved on R07)

- "Add Select group" don't close after "OK" Button press (Fixed on R07)


- App crash in certain cases when Multitouch is used (Solved on R06)

- App crash in some cases in cuelists if you try to modify cuelist fader during autoloop process (Solved on R06)

- App crash if Libraries are not correctly formated LIKE VL 1000 (Solved on R06)


- App crash when you are using multitouch and number of fader is greater than number of PB Buttons ( Repaired on R05)