Inicio Rápido v1 R05


La aplicación se inicia con un esquema estandard diseñado para acomodarse en una pantalla de baja resolución...

Si encuentras problemas al iniciar la aplicación... Intenta "Borrar Datos" en Ajustes > Aplicaciones > Administrar aplicaciones ... y reinicia la aplicación

La configuración inicial se cargará y toda la información será borrada (exepto el directorio "fixture_lib" de la SDCARD) *ver mas abajo

De hecho, este es un metodo seguro para iniciar la aplicación desde cero si algo passa con alguna actualización o si hay información corrupta el los ficheros de configuración.

Ok, pulsa Menu > Establece tu esquema visual (en el ejemplo.. un HTC Desire... 18/11/3/21)

El esquema es el numero de elementos que tu dispositivo puede acomodar en la pantalla.

En esta página, tambien, debes setear la dirección de Broadcast o la IP destino de tu red Art-net o de tu nodo Art-net.

Después introduce la Sub-net y el Universo destino

En este punto, fijate que el Broadcasting no siempre está activado en algunos routers o AP... si este es tu caso, deberas canviar la configuración del router o simplemente hacer unicast a tu nodo Artnet

Eventualmente puedes activar "Screen Always ON"si quieres mantener la pantalla siempre encendida.

Pulsa Apply... la aplicación se reiniciará con los nuevos canvios.

Esta Aplicación salva todos los canvios hechos para poder recuperarlos rapidamente si cierras la aplicación.

Es recomendable que salves una instancia limpia para cargarla en caso de que quieras empezar desde zero(los parametros de configuración permanecerán).

Para hacer esto:

Menu > File > Escribe: Default, o Initial data, o lo que quieras... > luego Save


Por defecto, todos los 512 canales trabajan con prioridad HTP (usease, que el valor mas alto lleva prioridad en la salida)

Solo si pacheas aparatos, se canviarán los canales requeridos a LTP y trabajarán a 16 bits si la libreria así lo indica.


El Pacheo no es necessario si usas la aplicación para controlar iluminación convencional.

Solo es necesario pachear si vas a usar aparatos complejos.

Pulsa Menu > Patch > Lib

Necesitaras librerias ...lee esto

Elige tu ca

Si la libraria se a cargado correctamente,se mostrarán los modos disponibles en el siguiente desplegable

Elige el modo correcto.

Pon la Dirección del aparato

Pon el numero de aparatos que quieras pachear

Identifica el aparato

Pulsa "Patch it"*

La aplicación incrementará las direcciones automáticamente así como las ID's en funcion de los aparatos pacheados

*Este proceso puede tomar un poco e tiempo dependiendo de tu dispositivo, el numero de aparatos a pachear y la complejidad del patch.

Cuando acabe el proceso; Todos los aparatos pacheados se mostrarán en el desplegable de "Patched fixtures".

Puedes despachar uno a uno o deshacer todo el patch, pero por el momento, no puedes editar el pach con la R05

Por tanto, para canviar algo en el patch debes primero despachear.

El orden del pach es importante, porqué este orden será el mismo con el que se muestren los aparatos en la ventana de control de aparatos.


La filosofia de la aplicación es que todo deberia ser accesible con dos o tres clicks.

Para este proposito, 5 pestañas (Programmer, Submasters, Cuelists, PlayBack Overrays y Keyboard) son visible permanentemente para acceder a ellas de forma rápida.

La ventana de control de aparatos es accesible desde cualquier sitio haciendo click en el icono de la aplicación al lado del Grand-Master.

También el Grand-Master i el boton de Clear estánm siempre visibles.

Algunos elementos tienen doble funcionalidad: Hacer click o Mantener pulsado.

La prioridad en la salida es como sigue:

1era - Programador

2a - Botones PB

3a - Subs y Cuelist (Los parametros HTP se mezclan. El submaster tiene prioridad en los parametros LTP si el valor es > de 0)

La ventana de control de aparatos actua directamente sobre el programador por lo que tiene la misma prioridad (1era)

El teclado actua también sobre el programador.

Elementos comunes

- Icono Aplicación:

When touch Fixture Control appear

When Touch&Hold Node Mode Start (see below)

- Grand Master:

Gm is always visible throught all the TABS and reacts for all HTP parameters but no reacts for LTP and for PB Overray Buttons

Grand Master Affects HTP on the output level, but no when you are recording values, so you can set GM at 0% and program it in a pseudo BLIND mode.

- CLEAR Button

When touch all parameters in the programmer will be cleared.

When Touch&Hold to clear PlayBack Overray output

Prog (Programmer)

Where you can play directly with channels...

Programmer take preference over PB Ov ,Subs & Cuelist so any value here highest than 0 will overray the output...

You can move around all 512 dmx channels thru differents pages and set all required channels.

- Simple or Complex selection

First button on Prog TAB

On Simple Select Mode, just set faders one by one

On Multi-Select Mode, you can set multiple faders at once setting just the first one...

Ideally to manage led panels or fixtures groups.

On touch change betwen Simple to Multi-Select Mode

When Touch&Hold Multi-Select Config dialog appears

Multi-Select Config

On "Every": Set Channels that you want to jump (channels by fixture)

On "By": Set number of times that you want repeat the selection (number of fixtures)

On example 3x5 ( 5 RGB Fixtures (3 channels each one))

TIP: In order to accurate value, touch Channel and adjust it with the TrackPad where avalaible


Group of channels with their values that reacts as HTP priority.

To record Set all desired clannels on Programmer Touch REC Button... Touch CLEAR.... Move Submaster

To Delete... Clear the Programmer (CLEAR)... Touch REC Button (The idea is that if you record nothing Mem will be deleted)

To Edit....Optionally Clear the Programmer.... Touch and HOLD REC Button (content of submaster will be loaded on the programmer)... Edit Parameters on Channels (Programmer)... Touch REC... Then CLEAR

You can tag your submaster via Touch&Hold on submaster number

Rec Buttons change to Flash when you go from Rec to Play Mode through Menu option ( Play | Rec )


Each cuelists is divided in tree rows

1st row is Play Row where you can set htp levels and Play or pause cues

2nd row is Edit Row where you can Create new cue for cuelist, Insert, update and delete

3th ros is Time and cuelists sets

There are few concepts that is important to understand:

Active cue = is the cue that is actually showed , it's showed on 1st row fader and controlled by cuelist fader

Next cue = is the cue that we can edit before Play, it's showed under Play Button and is the cue that receive all changes (Update, delete, time and cue name change)

Cue create

Set all desired parameters on programmer*, select "New" on desired cuelist and touch ">>".

cue will be created as CUE X and showed on "Next cue" zone

*In cuelist channels can be Zero value so you can include a Blackout in cueList (Tracking must be unchecked, of course)

Cue Play-Pause

Select the desired CUE that you want to Play

Set the desired Time (by default 3sec) this time will be recorded for this cue for future use

Touch Play button

Cue will be showed on 1st Row

Optionally you can Pause it touching Play again

Clear Cue (Leave cuelist output empty)

Touch & Hold PLAY button

Active cue will be cleared

Load Cue to programmer

Select cue that you want to load on programmer (Showed on "Next Cue")

Touch & Hold Cue on 2nd ROW

Rename Cue

Select cue that you want to rename (Showed on "Next Cue")

Touch & Hold Cuelist number


This button is an action executor and affect to "Next cue"

There are 4 possible actions

NEW = Create new Cue (Will be added on last position)

UPDATE = Will Update "Next Cue"

INSERT = Create new Cue and Insert BEFORE "Next cue"

DELETE = Delete "Next cue"


When enabled (by default) "Next cue" will be added to cuelist output without changing values that are not included on "Next cue"... All parameters will follow cuelist until one of them change with value greatest than zero

When disabled all parameters included on "Active cue" will be changed to "Next cue" values


Auto-play all cuelist until auto loop will be uncheked or Play-pause will be pressed

Individual cue time will be overrided to commond time

When auto loop is playing time can be adjusted for all the cuelist

TIME + -

Increase o decrease "cue next" IN time and "Active cue" OUT time or change loop time in fractions of 0.2sec ...

PlayBacks Overray buttons

Can be two types (Single or Switchable)

- Single (Soft Grey): When Touched; Parameters will put (with predefined Time IN) on the output bus until other PB Button override it or Touch&Hold Clear will be pressed

- Switchable (Grey or Yellow): Same as Single but you can switch off it to a predefined Level with a predefined Time OUT.

Recording, Editing, Deleting and Setting Play-Backs

- Recording:

Set programmer > Touch Rec Button > Touch PB to record > Clear Programmer

- Deleting:

Clear Programmer > Record Nothing on PB

- Editing:

Eventually clear Programmer > Touch & Hold Rec Button > Touch PB that you want to LOAD on programmer > Modify programmer > Re-Record PB (or no)

Setting Play-Backs:

Touch&Hold a PB Button.

Write a name for your PB Button and choice if you want it as Single or Switchable

When Single only Name and Fade IN are Avalaible

Just choice Fade IN time in Seconds (no point is necessarely, 0 sec by default (INSTANT))

Use + and - as a easy way to increment or reduce second by second

When Switchable all options are avalaible

Choice Fade IN & Fade OUT (Of course can be differents values)

Use + and - as a easy way to increment or reduce second by second

Eventually choice min value in % as value when you switch Off the PB instead of 0.

If Min Value is 0 All parameters will be out to previous values.


On a shutter parameter(ch25) where 100% is strobo, 10% is open and 0% is close.

-Rec a PB button with ch25 at full

-Make it as a Switchable > FadeIN 0sec > FadeOUT 0sec > Min Value at 10%

-Switch PB ON and OFF in order to activate or deactivate Strobo without close Shutter

TIP: In order to accurate value, touch Min Value and adjust it with the TrackPad where avalaible


Act as an standard Light-Desk Keyboard in Avab RPN Mode so First...number... then CH ( 1 ch 10 Thru 100 LEVEL)

*I know that not all the people feel fine with RPN mode (for me is more cleaned and more faster)... I'm opened to change it if people request it

Orders will be placeds on Channels tab (programmer) and some orders affect directly to Channels state...

For example "All 50@" : will affect all active channels on programmer... setting their parameters at 50%

In the same way "+%" and "-%" : will add or substract 5% to all active channels on the programmer.

Also you can write more complex orders from keyboard using "THRU" , "+" and "-"

"CE" Will clear last parameter

"C" Will clear all the line

When an order is admited, It will be placed on Repeat Log in order to recuperate it when you need it (Log will be cleared on next reboot).

TIP: In order to set values as 0-255 values instead of % , touch and hold "@"

exsmple: "All 245" then touch&hold "@" will set all active channels at 245


Accessible touching Icon app near GrandMaster

All parameters changed from here will be placed on the programmer

You must have something correctly patched in order to play with it

On first row:

You can see all your patched fixtures sorted by patch order

you can select one by one or simply touch&hold first fixture and then select last fixture

Parameters will change depends of selected fixture and allways will show the Last selected fixture parameters

All selected fixtures reacts as relative parameters value exept for dimmer value that is Absolute

On second row:

Add button :

this button will add new selected group on the select list

Touch & Hold for Delete a group


List of selected fixtures... "ALL" and "main fixtures groups" are protected... and created by default. Others are user groups that can be created or deleted.

Touch & hold "Select" combo to Unselect All fixtures


List of fixture macros (provided by Libraries)

On third row:

Fine : to fine adjust fixture parameters

Fan : To easily change parameters symmetrically... better if you try it... this function must be tuned in future releases but now is perfectly functionally

Home : to easily set fixture on start point

Clear : to clear selected fixtures

Touch&hold to clear ALL fixtures selected or unselected

Dimmer and virtuals encoders

Here you need to know how encoders work

Touch & slide (without release) over encoder surface to increase or decrease value (UP or LEFT to increase value, DOWN or Right to decrease).

More distance from center of the encoder means more speed increase or decrease depend of the direccion....

If you slide your finger to center of the encoder speed decrease.

Also, Touch & Hold on parameter name to easily clear this parameter


DMX Test

As the name say this is to quick test DMX channels at predefined level.

Touch "+" button to start test on DMX Channel 1

Test allways start at +-80% in order to take care of the lamps, but can be changed during test.

If you want to Jump to a determinate dmx channel, > Touch Ready > Write channel > Touch "..."

DMX Test act directly on Programmer.

Play | Rec

As name say, Switch between Play or Rec Mode : On Play mode PB Rec button will be disabled , Submasters Rec buttons will be changed to Flash Buttons and Action & ">>" cue buttons will be disabled.

Node Mode

Start when Touch&Hold icon app near grandmaster.

In Node Mode no output is possible, App sets as a node and capture all dmx packets on the Net that is sended to actual universe and sub-net... captures will be reflexed on the programmer and can be recorded following normal method.

Be sure that your main controller are sending dmx packets to your device*.

*Some HTC devices are not allowed to receive broadcast (see ) so ArtpollReply is never sended because Artpoll never arrive. In this case, Unicast to your Device from Controller.