Rowell and Chan

The Action Research Heritage Project: Celebrating 80 years of Practitioner and Participatory Research in the Americas

Lonnie Rowell and Goldie Chan, University of San Diego, CA, USA


This presentation featured a visual journey through 80 years of action research in the Americas. The presenters developed a photo-collage timeline as a part of preparing an annual report for the Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA). In the session, the content and context of each photo in the timeline was discussed. Some of the images were never-before-published photos from the development of action research in North and South America. The cumulative record of accomplishment by those who established action research and nurtured it through times of growth and challenge can be informative as well as inspirational and can point the way to a future of continued development. The hope of the presenters is that ARNA will honor the heritage reflected in the photo-collage timeline while building a strong and resilient base that will further develop practitioner and participatory research in the Americas in the decades to come.


Action Research History; Photo Collage; AR Archives