Treasure Tables

The following is an example of using the tables to create random treasures.


use: common/aegyptvs/treasure.ipt

use: common/aegyptvs/misc.ipt

Table: Loot1

MaxReps: 1

1:<b>Coins:</b> ${5d8*10} \n <b>OneUse:</b> [@2 oneuse50] \n\n <b>Item:</b> [@item05] \n\n<b>Gems:</b> none \n <b>Jewels:</b> none \n<B>Trade Goods(400kg/$500):</B> [@{1d4} TradeGoods >> implode **]

Table: Loot2

MaxReps: 1

1:<b>Coins:</b> ${5d8*100} \n <b>OneUse:</b> [@oneuse][@2 oneuse50 >> implode ***]\n\n <b>Item:</b> [@item25] \n\n<b>Gems:</b> [@{1d6+1} gems >> implode]\n <b>Jewels:</b> none \n<B>Trade Goods(400kg/$500):</B> [@{1d6} TradeGoods >> implode **]

Table: Loot3

MaxReps: 1

1:<b>Coins:</b> ${5d8*200} \n <b>OneUse:</b> [@2 oneuse >> implode ***][@2 oneuse50 >> implode ***]\n\n<b>Item:</b> [@item50] \n\n<b>Gems:</b> [@{2d6+2} gems >> implode]\n <b>Jewels:</b> [@{1d3} jewels >> implode] \n<B>Trade Goods(400kg/$500):</B> [@{1d4+2} TradeGoods >> implode **]

Table: Loot4

MaxReps: 1

1:<b>Coins:</b> ${5d8*300} \n <b>OneUse:</b> [@3 oneuse >> implode ***][@2 oneuse50 >> implode ***]\n\n <b>Item:</b> [@items][@2 item50 >> implode ***]\n\n<b>Gems:</b> [@{3d6+5} gems >> implode]\n <b>Jewels:</b> [@{1d4} jewels >> implode] \n<B>Trade Goods(400kg/$500):</B> [@{2d6-1} TradeGoods >> implode **]

Table: Loot5

MaxReps: 1

1:<b>Coins:</b> ${5d8*500} \n <b>OneUse:</b> [@4 oneuse >> implode ***][@2 oneuse50 >> implode ***]\n\n <b>Item:</b> [@2 items >> implode ***][@2 item50 >> implode ***]\n\n<b>Gems:</b> [@{4d6+10} gems >> implode]\n <b>Jewels:</b> [@{1d6} jewels >> implode] \n<B>Trade Goods(400kg/$500):</B> [@{3d6-1} TradeGoods >> implode ***]

Table: smallgems

1: $10

Table: gems

1: $10

1: $20

1: $30

1: $40

1: $50

1: [@gems2]

Table: gems2

1: $50

1: $100

1: $150

1: $200

1: $250

1: [@gems3]

Table: gems3

1: $100

1: $200

1: $300

1: $400

1: $500

1: [@gems4]

Table: gems4

1: $200

1: $400

1: $600

1: $800

1: $1000

1: [@gems5]

Table: gems5

1: $300

1: $600

1: $900

1: $1200

1: $1500

1: <b>[@gems6]</b>

Table: gems6

1: $500

1: $1000

1: $1500

1: $2000

1: $2500

1: $3000

Table: jewels2

1: $400

1: $800

1: $1200

1: $1600

1: $2000

1: [@jewels3]

Table: jewels3

1: $600

1: $1200

1: $1800

1: $2400

1: $3000

1: [@jewels4]

Table: jewels4

1: $1000

1: $2000

1: $3000

1: $4000

1: $5000

1: <b>[@jewels5]</b>

Table: jewels5

1: $2000

1: $4000

1: $6000

1: $8000

1: $10000

1: $15000

Table: item05

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d100

01-05: [@items]\n

06-00: None \n

Table: item25

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d100

01-25: [@items]\n

26-100: None \n

Table: item50

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d100

01-50: [@items]\n

51-100: None \n

Table: relic05

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d100

01-05: RELIC: [@items]\n

06-100: --\n

Table: relic10

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d100

01-10: RELIC: [@items]\n

11-100: --\n

Table: relic20

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d100

01-20: RELIC: [@items]\n

21-100: --\n

Table: relic30

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d100

01-30: RELIC: [@items]\n

31-100: --\n

Table: oneuse

1: Potion: [@potiontype] - [@Potions] - [@noticetarget]. \n

1: Scrolls: [@scrolltype] - [@Scrolls]- [@language] - [@noticetarget] - Reqs SKILL use. \n

1: Amulets: [@amulettype] - [@Amulets] - [@noticetarget]\n

1: Alchemy: [@alchemy]\n

Table: oneuse50

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d100

01-50: [@oneuse]

51-100: None \n


Table: items

3: <B>Armour........</b> [@Armours]

3: <B>Hand Weapon...</b> [@meleematerial] * [@meleeweapons] * [@meleebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicmelee] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicmelee] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicmelee] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicmelee] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicmelee] *

3: <B>Range weapon..</b> [@missileweapons] *

3: <B>Misc..........</b> [@miscitem]

1: <b>Individual Item for [|Kevin|Gary|Rachael|Mark|John|Tony|Peter|Andrew]</B>


//Armour Tables

//Normal armour is +1 or 2 and some simple powers. Relic armour gains an extra options as an addon table

Table: Armours

4: Shield... * [@ShieldMaterial] * [@Shieldsize] * [@shieldbonus] * [@weight] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicshield] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicshield] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicshield] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicshield] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicshield] *

6: Leather... * [@locations] * [@armourbonus] * [@weight] * [@hinderance] * [@survival] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicleather] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicleather] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicleather] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicleather] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicleather] *

3: Cloth.... * [#{1d6+4} locations] * [@armourbonus] * [@hinderance] * [@survival] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@reliccloth] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@reliccloth] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B>[@reliccloth] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@reliccloth] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@reliccloth] *

2: Scale.... * [@ArmourMaterial] * [@locations] * [@armourbonus] * [@weight] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicmetal] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicmetal] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicmetal] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicmetal] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicmetal] *

1: Plate.... * [@ArmourMaterial] * [@locations] * [@armourbonus] * [@weight] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicmetal] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicmetal] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicmetal] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicmetal] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicmetal] *


Table: ArmourMaterial

4: Bronze

2: <font color=red>Iron (+1 Toughness/75% wt)</font color>

1: <font color=green><b>Steel (+2 Toughness/50% wt) </B></font color>

Table: ShieldMaterial

//Do not improve the shields basic parry bonus for its materials.

4: Bronze

2: <font color=red>Iron (+1 Toughness vs missiles/75% wt)</font color>

1: <font color=green><b>Steel (+1 Parry/+1 Toughness vs missiles/50% wt) </B></font color>

Table: locations

Type: Lookup

Roll: 1d10

1: Vambraces

2: Greaves

3: Helmet

4-5: Torso

6-7: Torso & Legs

8: Torso & Arms

9: Torso, Arms & Legs

10: Full body

Table: weight

2: Wt100%

4: Wt75%

2: Wt66%

1: Wt50%

Table: hinderance

1: <b>Curse</b> [@curse]

1: <B>Flaw</b> [@flaw]

4: <b>Minor Flaw</b> [#{1d30} flaw]

4: <b>Minor Curse:</b> [#{1d6} curse]

20: h_

Table: Shieldsize

2: Small

4: Medium

1: Large

Table: shieldbonus

Type: Lookup

Roll: 1d20

1-2: sh_

3-8: +1 Parry

9-12: +1 Toughness vs Missiles

13-14: +2 Toughness vs Missiles

15-16: +1 Parry, +1 Tough vs Missiles

17: +1 Tough

18: +2 Parry

19: +1 Parry, +2 Toughness vs Missiles

20: +2 Parry, +1 Toughness vs Missiles

Table: armourbonus

Type: lookup

Roll: 1d10

1-2: t_

3-8: +1 Toughness

9-10: +2 Toughness

Table: Survival

Type: Lookup

Roll: 1d10

1-4: s_

5-8: +1 survival

9-10: +2 survival

Table: glows

1: yes

2: no

Table: curse

Type: Lookup

Roll: 1d15

1: Minor poison: [@poisontype] [#{1d6} poisonstrength]

2: Minor disease: [@diseasestype] [#{1d6} diseasestrength]

3: Minor vulnerability (+1 damage) vs [@damagetype]

4: Minor penalty (-1 to faith rolls)

5: Minor penalty fear (-1 to Guts rolls)

6: Minor penalty perception (-1 to Notice rolls)

7: Vulnerability (+2 damage) vs [@damagetype]:

8: Gain flaw: [@flaw]

9: Vulnerability (+2 damage) vs [@protection]:

10: Arcane penalty (-2 to casting rolls)

11: Melee penalty, (-2 to fight rolls)

12: Shooting penalty (-2 to shoot/throw rolls)

13: Skill penalty (-2 to skill rolls), [@skill]

14: Poison: [@poisontype] [poisonstrength]

15: Disease: [@diseasestype] [@diseasestrength]


// Weapons

Table: meleeweapons

4: Axe

4: Battle Axe

3: Dagger

3: Knife

3: Great axe

6: Mace

2: Club

2: Staff

4: LongSpear

6: ShortSpear

2: Maul

3: Pick

2: Heavy Pick

6: Shortsword

8: Khopesh

2: 2H Sword

4: Warhammer

2: Heavy Warhammer

2: Trident

1: Whip

2: Monk Sticks

2: Fighting Bands

3: Flail

Table: missileweapons

6: Bow * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicshoot] *

4: HorseBow * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicshoot] *

4: Arrows * [@missilematerial] * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicshoot] *

3: Throwing Axe * [@missilematerial] * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicthrown] *

3: Javelin * [@missilematerial] * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicthrown] *

6: Sling * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicshoot] *

2: StaffSling * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicshoot] *

4: Slingstones * Lead * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicshoot] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicshoot] *

1: LongSpear * [@missilematerial] * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicthrown] *

2: ShortSpear * [@missilematerial] * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicthrown] *

2: Knife/Dagger * [@missilematerial] * [@missilebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicthrown] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicthrown] *

Table: meleematerial

4: Bronze

2: <font color=red>Iron (+1 Damage/75% wt)</font color>

1: <font color=green><b>Steel (+1 to Hit/+1 damage/50% wt) </B></font color>

Table: missilematerial

4: Bronze

2: <font color=red>Iron (+1 AP)</font color>

1: <font color=green><b>Steel (+2 AP) </B></font color>

Table: meleebonus

Type: Lookup

Roll: 1d10

1-8: +1

9-10: +2

Table: missilebonus

Type: Lookup

Roll: 1d10

1-8: +1

9-10: +2


Table: miscitem

4: [@misctype] * [@miscbonus] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicmisc] *

2: Tome (once only use) gain a dice type in [@skill]

1: Special item (unique) *

3: Staff * [@meleematerial] * [@meleebonus] * [@hinderance] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicmisc] *

3: Command Items: [|Standard|Great Staff|Headdress|Mantle|Sash|Belt|Chariot|Horsegear] * [@command] *<br><b>Relic power1:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power2:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power3:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power4:</B> [@relicmisc] *<br><b>Relic power5:</B> [@relicmisc] *

5: Spell Book: [@spell],[@spell],[@spell]

Table: misctype

3: Ring

3: Amulet

1: Necklace

1: Bracers

1: Headwear

1: Sash

1: Belt

Table: miscbonus

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls (or gain d4).

1: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Protection: [@protection]

1: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)

1: +1 Parry

1: +1 Toughness

1: [@survival]

1: +1 CHA



Table: Relicshield

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls.

1: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Trait: +1 to [@traits] rolls

6: Protection: [@protection]

4: Enchantment: [@enchantment]

1: Edge: gain [@edge]

1: Command: gain [@command]

2: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)

Table: relicleather

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls

1: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Trait: +1 to [@trait] rolls

6: Protection: [@protection]

2: Enchantment: [@enchantment]

1: Edge: [@edge]

1: Command: [@command]

1: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)

Table: reliccloth

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls

1: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Trait: +1 to [@trait] rolls

6: Protection: [@protection]

2: Enchantment: [@enchantment]

1: Edge: [@edge]

1: Command: [@command]

1: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)

Table: relicmetal

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls

1: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Trait: +1 to [@trait] rolls

6: Protection: [@protection]

4: Enchantment: [@enchantment]

2: Edge: [@edge]

1: Command: [@command]

1: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)

Table: relicmelee

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls

1: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Trait: +1 to [@trait] rolls

1: Protection: [@protection]

4: Enchantment: [@enchantment]

1: Edge: [@edge]

1: Command: [@command]

1: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)

6: Melee: [@melee]

2: Elemental: [@elemental]

1: Special: [@special]

Table: relicthrown

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls

1: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Trait: +1 to [@trait] rolls

1: Protection: [@protection]

4: Enchantment: [@enchantment]

1: Edge: [@edge]

1: Command: [@command]

1: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)

6: Thrown: [@thrown]

2: Elemental: [@elemental]

Table: relicshoot

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls

1: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Trait: +1 to [@trait] rolls

1: Protection: [@protection]

4: Enchantment: [@enchantment]

1: Edge: [@edge]

1: Command: [@command]

1: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)

6: Shoot: [@shoot]

2: Elemental: [@elemental]

Table: relicmisc

1: Skill: +1 to [@skill] rolls

2: PowerPoint: can store upto [@powerpoints]

1: Trait: +1 to [@trait] rolls

4: Protection: [@protection]

6: Enchantment: [@enchantment]

1: Edge: [@edge]

2: Command: [@command]

2: Spell: able to cast [@spell] once per day (5pp)


Table: melee

2: +1 to Hit extra

2: +1 damage extra

2: +2 vs [|ssra|undead|swarms|constructs|animals|monsters|humans|golems|scorpianmen|race-[@race]]

2: [@elemental]

2: Returning(Thrown) 3/6/12"

2: Parry +1

2: extra +1

1: Parry +2

1: +1 Dodge

1: First strike

1: Combat Reflexes

1: Flashy +2 CHA

Table: thrown

1: +1 to Hit extra

1: +1 damage extra

1: Range +1/2/4"

1: Range +2/4/8"

1: Range +3/6/12"

1: Returning(Thrown)

1: Quick draw

1: [@elemental]

1: +2 vs [|ssra|undead|swarms|constructs|animals|monsters|humans|golems|scorpianmen|race-[@race]]

Table: shoot

1: +1 to Hit extra

1: +1 damage extra

1: Range +5/10/20"

1: Range +6/12/24"

1: Range +4/8/16"

1: Free Ammo

1: Quick draw

1: [@elemental]

1: +2 vs [|ssra|undead|swarms|constructs|animals|monsters|humans|golems|scorpianmen|race-[@race]]

Table: special

1: Alive:

Table: noticetarget

10: Label in [@language]

12: Notice4

6: Notice6

4: Notice8

2: Notice10

1: Notice12

Table: powerpoints

16: 3pp

8: 6pp

4: 9 pp

2: 12pp

1: 15pp

Table: traits

1: AG

1: SM

1: SP

1: ST

1: VI

1: Pace

Table: protection

Type: Lookup

Roll: 1d12

1-2: +1 Toughness vs [@Element] damage

3-4: +1 Resist vs Desease

5-6: +1 Toughness vs [@damagetype] damage

7-8: +1 Resist vs Poison

9: +2 Toughness vs [@Element] damage

10: +2 Resist vs Desease

11: +2 Toughness vs [@damagetype] damage

12: +2 Resist vs Poison

Table: Element

2: Fire

1: Water/Acid

2: Earth

2: Air/Elec

2: Cold

1: All

Table: damagetype

2: Slash

2: Bash

2: Pierce

4: Missiles

4: Magic

1: All Physical

Table: elemental

2: Fire: +d4 dam

2: Cold: +d4 dam

2: Elec: Stun(4)

2: Acid: +AP2

2: Air: +2Pace

1: Water: +1 to VG rolls

2: Earth: +1 Tough

2: Death: +2 dam vs Undead

2: Life: Healing edge

2: Bane:[|ssra|undead|swarms|constructs|animals|monsters|humans|golems|scorpianmen|race-[@race]] +d6

Table: enchantment

10: Light, large template, [!enchantment] *

1: Fear, SP vs 4 or 6 (raise) to resist *

2: Smiting, +1 damage dice type *

1: Fireburst, small template around user on to hit raise, 2d6 catch fire *

1: Disarming, ST/AG vs 4 or 6 (raise) to resist, 1d6 sqs *

1: Returning/Throw *

1: Life Draining, VG vs 4 or 6 (raise), transfer wound to wielder *

1: Quake, AG vs 4 or 6 (raise) to resist, knockdown *

1: Bane [|undead|vermin|constructs|animals|monsters|humans] +4 damage *

1: Sand Storm, small template around user, all enemies -2 to hit due to visibility/wind*

1: Iceburst, small template around user on to-hit raise, 2d6, slowed *

1: Airburst, small template around user on to hit raise, knockback *

1: Bolt, 10pp, use SM/SP to target *

1: Petrify, SP vs 4 or 6 (raise), lose next action *

1: Stun, electrical, VG vs 4 or 6 (raise) to resist *

1: Piercing, AP3 *

1: Spell Reflection, SP vs casting roll, random target, raise allows targeting *

2: Two enchantments: [!enchantment]:[!enchantment] *

1: Burrowing, as the spell power, holds 20PP.

1: Beast Friend, as spell power, holds 20PP.

1: Cyclone, as spell power, holds 20PP.

1: Detect Arcana, as spell power, holds 20PP

1: Dispelling, as spell power, holds 20PP

1: Entangle, as spell power, 20PP

1: Enviromental Protection - [@elemental]

1: Excorcism, target must make SP(4/6) roll or be banished.

1: Fear, target must make a Guts(4/6) roll or flee.

1: Fly, as spell power, 20PP *

1: Heal, as spell power, 20PP *

1: Invisibility, as spell power, 20PP *

1: Obscure, as spell power, 20PP *

1: Quickness, as spell power, 20PP *

1: Resist Fear, +4 to all fear rolls *

1: Shapechange, as spell power, 20PP *

10: Speak Language:[@language] * [!enchantment]

1: Speed, user gains Fleet Footed. *

1: Swarm Screen, user is immune to swarms and does +2 damage. *

1: Feat:[@edge] *

Table: command

1: A Few Good Men - Bonus to leading men with the Mass Combat rules. Necropolis Setting *

1: Art of War - (Novice) Expert with Mass Battle. Necropolis Setting *

1: Born Leader - (Veteran) Allies roll a larger wild die. Tour of Darkness Setting , Necropolis Setting *

1: Command - (Novice) Allies recover from being Shaken more easily. Core Rules *

1: Command Presence - (Novice) The character has a larger command radius. Tour of Darkness Setting , Necropolis Setting, Solomon Kane Setting *

1: Cry Havoc! - (Veteran) Know when to attack with Mass Combat rules. Necropolis Setting *

1: Death Before Dishonor - (Veteran) Troops get bonus to morale checks with Mass Combat rules. Necropolis Setting *

1: Fanaticism - (Seasoned) Troops under the leaders command are much braver. Necropolis Setting, Solomon Kane Setting *

1: Fervor - (Veteran) Allies inflict extra Fighting damage. Core Rules *

1: Gifted Leader - (Veteran) Allies receive a bigger Wild Die when making groups rolls. Solomon Kane Setting *

1: Hold the Line! - (Seasoned) Toughness of allies increased. Core Rules *

1: Inspire - (Seasoned) Same as Command but better. Core Rules *

1: Master & Commander - (Seasoned) Crew gets bonus on Boating rolls. 50 Fathoms Setting *

1: Natural Leader - (Novice) May share bennies with allies. Core Rules *

1: Remember Cameron! - (Novice) The soldier is able to rally the morale of his fellow Legionaries. Tour of Darkness Setting *

1: Boat Commander - (Veteran) Crew receives a bonus to Boating rolls. Sundered Skies Setting *

1: Strategist - (Veteran) Can redraw cards during strategic (Diplomatic) missions. Rippers Setting *

1: Strategic Genius - (Heroic) Same as Strategist but better. Rippers Setting *


Table: skill

2: Boating

1: Climbing

2: Driving

3: Fighting

1: Gambling

2: Guts

2: Healing

1: Intimidation

1: Investigation

1: Knowledge Common

1: Lockpicking

2: Stealth

2: Notice

1: Persuasion

1: Piloting

1: Repair

1: Riding

3: Shooting

1: Streetwise

3: Survival

1: Swimming

1: Taunt

2: Throwing

2: Tracking

2: Language [@language]

1: Knowledge (Craft) - Wood

1: Knowledge (Craft) - Metal

1: Knowledge (Craft) - Food

1: Knowledge (Craft) - Utility

1: Knowledge (Craft) - Tailor

1: Knowledge (Craft) - Construction.

3: Knowledge (Trade)

2: Knowledge (Diplomacy)

1: Knowledge (Devices)

1: Knowledge (Dreams)

2: Knowledge (Battles)

Table: flaw

Type: Lookup

Roll: 1d58

1: All Thumbs

2: Anemic

3: Bad Eyes Minor

4: New minor of my choice

5: Big Mouth

6: Cautious

7: Death Wish

8: Delusional Minor

9: Delusional Major

10: Doubting Thomas

11: Enemy Minor

12: Enemy Major

13: Greedy

14: Hard of Hearing Minor

15: Illiterate

16: Loyal

17: Mean

18: Minor Habit

19: Obese

20: Outsider

21: Poverty

22: Quirk

23: Slow

24: Stubborn

25: Ugly

26: Vengeful Minor

27: Vengeful Major

28: Vow Minor

29: Vow Major

30: Wanted

31: (M) Arrogant

32: (M) Bad Luck

33: (M) Blind

34: (M) Bloodthirsty

35: (M) Clueless

36: (M) Code of Honour

37: (M) Curious

38: (M) Elderly

39: (M) Hard of Hearing

40: (M) Heroic

41: (M) Lame

42: (M) Major Habit

43: (M) One Arm

44: (M) One Eye

45: (M) One Leg

46: (M) Overconfident

47: (M) Small

48: (M) Yellow

49: (M) Young

50: (M) Ailin

51: (M) Bad Dreams

52: (M) Grim Servant of Death

53: (M) Heavy Sleeper

54: (M) Lyin Eyes

55: (M) Old Ways Oath

56: (M) Slowpoke

57: (M) Tenderfoot

58: (M) Thin Skinned

Table: edge

1: Ace

1: Acrobat

1: Agile

1: Alchemist

1: Alertness

1: Ambidextrous

1: Arcane Artificer

1: Arcane Resistance

1: Attractive

1: Beast Bond

1: Beast Master

1: Berserk

1: Brawny

1: Champion

1: Charismatic

1: Command

1: Common Bond

1: Connections

1: Danger Sense

1: Fast Healer

1: Fearless

1: Filthy Rich

1: First Strike

1: Fleet Footed

1: Florentine

1: Gadgeteer

1: Great Luck

1: Hard to Kill

1: Hardy

1: Healer

1: Holy Warrior

1: Improved Arcane Resistance

1: Improved Nerves of Steel

1: Improved Sweep

1: Investigator

1: Low Light Vision

1: Luck

1: McGyver

1: Mr Fix It

1: Natural Leader

1: Nerves of Steel

1: New Power

1: Noble

1: Power Points

1: Quick

1: Quick Draw

1: Rich

1: Scholar

1: Steady Hands

1: Strong Willed

1: Sweep

1: Thief

1: Tough as Nails

1: Trademark Weapon

1: Two Fisted

1: Very Attractive

1: Woodsman

1: Block

1: Combat Reflexes

1: Dead Shot

1: Dodge

1: Enchant

1: Frenzy

1: Hold the Line

1: Improved Level Head

1: Inspire

1: Level Headed

1: Marksman

1: Mighty Blow

1: Power Surge

1: Rapid Recharge

1: Rock and Roll

1: Soul Drain

1: Fervor

1: Giant Killer

1: Harder to Kill

1: Improved Block

1: Improved Dodge

1: Improved Frenzy

1: Improved Rapid Recharge

1: Improved Trademark Weapon

1: Improved First Strike

1: Expert

1: Followers

1: Improved Enchant

1: Improved Tough as Nails

1: Master

1: Master at Arms

1: Professional

1: Sidekick

1: Weapon Master

1: Duelist

1: Hip Shooting

1: Improved Hip Shooting

1: Martial Arts

1: No Mercy

1: Rebel Yell

1: Reputation

1: True Grit

1: Agent

1: Scout

1: Soldier

1: Wilderness Man

1; Fates Favoured

1: Knack

1: Behold a Pale Horse

1: Damned

1: Fast as Lightning

1: Right Hand of the Devil

1: Mobility

1: Mobility, improved

1: Close Fighting

1: Close Fighting, Improved

1: Deflect Missiles

1: Deflect Missiles, Improved

1: Desert Creature

1: Dirty Fighter

1: Dirty Fighter, Improved

1: Double Shot (Missile only, else [@edge]

1: Double Shot, Improved (Missile only, else [@edge]

1: Fist of Iron

1: Fist of Legend

1: Holy Light

1: Merchant

1: Master Merchant

1: Performer

1: Ride by Attacks

1: Ride by Attacks, improved

1: Sage

1: Spielunker

1: Stunning Fist

1: Stunning Fist, Improved

1: Unarmed Strike

1: Unarmed Strike, Improved

1: Wind Sense

1: Wrestler

1: Combat Caster

1: Combat Shooter

1: Blind Fighting

1: Improved Blind Fighting

Table: spell

1: Aim

5: Armour

3: Barrier

1: Beast Friend

3: Blast

3: Bolt

5: Boost/Lower Trait

2: Burrow

3: Burst

1: Curse

5: Deflection

2: Detect/Conceal Arcana

2: Dispel

3: Elemental Manip

1: Entangle

5: Environmental Prot

1: Exorcism

1: Fear

1: Fly

3: Greater Healing

5: Healing

1: Hunch

1: Inspiration

1: Invisibility

1: Light

1: Mind Rider

1: Obscure

1: Protection

2: Quickness

1: Puppet

1: Sanctify

1: Shape Change

3: Smite

1: Speak Language

1: Stun

3: Speed

5: Succour

1: Telekinesis

1: Teleport

1: Trinkets

1: Vision Quest

1: Wilderness Walk

1: Windstorm

1: Zombie

1: Shadow Walk

5: Raise Dead

3: Remove Fear

3: Regeneration

3: Slow

1: Resurrection

1: Quake

1: Wall of Fire

1: Locate Object

1: Sacrifice

1: Call of the Wild

1: Miracle

4: Mend

1: Wall of Thorns

1: Hold Portal/Knock

1: Holy Roller

1: Telepathy

1: Luck of the Dice

1: Guiding Wind

1: Holy Roller

1: Inspiration

1: Iron Form

3: Swarm Screen

1: Water Walk

1: Blessing of Shade

1: Eye of Ra

1: Eye of Isis

1: Eye of Horus

1: Locate Water

1: Quench Thirst

1: New spell

Table: Alchemy

1: Razor Wings Natural Eggs: One days food per egg.

1: Razor Wings (6) Potion: Heal I

1: Razor Wings (4) Potion: Recover FAT I.

1: Giant Spider (4) 2 silk swatches give a Silk Rope, 2xST,1/2Wt

1: Giant Spider (4) 4 silk swatches give Silk Armour, +1 Tough, 1/2wt, no desert penalties

1: Giant Spider (4) Potion: Recover FAT I.

1: Giant Spider (6) Salve: Blade Venom reduces Pace (ST1d6+2)

1: Giant Snake Natural Eggs: as Boost (VG) spell, 10pp.

1: Giant Snake (4) Potion: Cure Poison/+2 Resist Poison 24hrs.

1: Giant Snake (6) Potion: +2 to Stealth rolls for 24hrs.

1: Wyvern Natural Eggs: as Boost (SP) spell, 10pp

1: Wyvern (6) Potion: +1 to Shoot/Throw skills rolls for 24hrs

1: Wyvern (4) Potion: as Fly spell, 20pp.

1: Hydra Natural Eggs: +1 pace for 24 hrs.

1: Hydra (6) Potion: Fleet Footed for 24 hrs

1: Hydra (4) Potion: Alertness for 24 hrs

1: Sand Worm Larvae Natural: as Burrow spell, 10pp.

1: Sand Worm Larvae (10) Potion: of Regeneration.

1: Sand Worm Larvae (4) Potion: Acrobatic for 24 hrs

1: Sand Worm Larvae (4) Potion: +2 to Survival rolls for 24hrs.

1: Fire Beetles Glands Natural: Prot vs Fire +2 for 24 hrs.

1: Fire Beetles Glands (6) Potion: Elemental Prot(Fire), 10pp.

1: Fire Beetles Glands (6) Potion: 5pp

1: Bone Beetle Blood Natural: strong glue, increase armour value +1 but adds 20% more wt.

1: Bone Beetle Blood (6) Potion: as Armour spell, 10pp

1: Bone Beetle Blood (8) Potion: Prot vs Damage(All) -1 for 24 hrs

1: Leopard Beetle Legs Natural: +1 pace for 24 hrs.

1: Leopard Beetle Legs (6) Potion: as Speed spell, 10pp

1: Leopard Beetle Legs (8) Potion: +1 dice type AG for 24 hrs.

1: Rhino Beetle Horn Natural: user does +1 damage in melee for 24 hrs.

1: Rhino Beetle Horn (8) Potion: +1 dice type ST for 24 hrs.

1: Rhino Beetle Horn (4) Potion: as Smite spell, 10pp

1: Oil Beetle Glands Natural: create a torch that will burn for 24hrs, large template.

1: Oil Beetle Glands (4) Potion: as Bolt spell, one use.

1: Oil Beetle Glands (4) Potion: Wrestler for 24 hrs.

1: Sand Beetles Natural: +2 to Guts rolls for 24 hrs.

1: Sand Beetles (4) Potion: as Barrier(Sand) spell, 10pp

1: Sand Beetles (4) Potion: as Remove Fear spell, 10pp

1: Elemental Essence (6) Potion: as Elemental Prot (element) spell, 10pp.

1: Elemental Essence (4) Potion: as Environmental Manipulation (element) spell, 5 doses.

1: Elemental Essence (8) Give armour +2 protection vs element.

1: Elemental Essence (10) Give weapon +d4 elemental damage.

1: Elemental Essence (6) Potion: Prot vs Elem +2 for 24 hrs.

1: Elemental Essence (6) Potion: Boost spell, 10pp

1: Ssra poison [@poison]

1: Ssra (4) Salve: Blade Venom ST8

1: Ssra (4) Potion: Cure Poison

1: Ssra (8) Potion: Ambidextrous

1: Giant Crabs 50% wt Shields (Bronze equivalent)

1: Giant Crabs (4) Potion: Block for 24 hrs

1: Dervishes (6) Potion: Cyclone spell, 10pp

1: Dervishes (6) Potion: Clear Sight 24 hrs

1: Dervishes *Clear Sight effect cancels 2 pts of penalties to vision caused by natural effects

1: Ropers Bow strings to give +1 damage

1: Ropers Slings to do +1 damage

1: Ropers Rope, 50% wt, x2 str.

1: Formians Exotic Spice Trade Good (need 10)

1: Formians (4) Potion: +2 notice for smell and taste

1: Formians (6) Potion: Common Bond for 24 hrs.

1: Gargoyles Sling stones that do +1 damage

1: Gargoyles (6) Potion: Armour spell, 10pp

1: Gargoyles (6) Potion: Prot vs Earth -2 for 24 hrs

1: Gargoyles (8) Potion: Natural armour +2 for 24 hrs, doesn't stack.

1: Gorgons (6) Potion: Prot vs Petrification 24 hrs

1: Gorgons (8) Potion: Boost (ST), 10pp.

1: Eye Lords Natural: Black Pearl

1: Eye Lords (8) Potion: Longevity

1: Eye Lords (6) Potion: Regenerate

1: Eye Lords (8) Potion: Puppet spell, 10pp

1: Eye Lords (8) Potion: Luck, gain extra benny

1: Umber Hulks (6) Potion: Stun spell, 10pp

1: Umber Hulks (4) Potion: Burrow spell, 10pp

1: Umber Hulks (8) Potion: First Strike for 24 hrs.

1: Driders (8) Potion: Wall Walker for 24 hrs

1: Driders (4) Potion: +2 to climb rolls 24 hrs

1: Driders (8) Potion: Acrobat edge for 24 hrs.

1: Cockatrice Natural: Petrify on touch with feather

1: Cockatrice (4) Potion: Remove/Resist Petrify 24 hrs

1: Cockatrice (6) Potion: Boost (AG), 10pp

1: Baslisk (6) Potion: Stun spell, 10pp

1: Baslisk (8) Potion: Hard to Kill for 24 hrs

1: Baslisk (6) Potion: Boost (SP), 10pp

1: Baslisk (6) Salve: Blade Venom, reduces Pace (ST1d6+1)

1: Hell Hound (6) Prot vs Fire -2 for 24 hrs

1: Hell Hound (6) Potion: Burst spell, 10pp

1: Hell Hound (4) Potion: Tracking +2 for 24 hrs

1: Golems Natural: +1 metal armour

1: Golems Natural: +1 metal weapons

1: Golems (6) Potion: cancel any armour penalties 24 hrs

1: Golems (6) Potion: 10pp

1: Damned (6) Potion: Prot vs Fire -4, for 24 hrs

1: Damned (6) Potion: 10pp

1: Damned (6) Potion: Luck, gain extra benny

1: Damned (4) Potion: Taunt +2 for 24 hrs

1: Damned (6) Potion: Nerves of Steel 24 hrs

1: Manticore Natural: Arrow Heads that do +1 damage

1: Manticore (8) Potion: Combat Reflexes for 24 hrs

1: Manticore (6) Potion: Intimidate +2 for 24 hrs

1: Manticore (6) Salve: Blade Venom inflicting wounds (ST1d8+1)

1: Undead (6) Potion: Remove Shaken

1: Undead (8) Potion: Hardy for 24 hrs

1: Undead (6) Potion: Hold the Line for 24 hrs

1: Undead (4) Potion: Stealth +2 for 24 hrs

1: Scorpianmen Natural: poison [@poisons]

1: Scorpianmen (6) Salve: Blade Venom inflicting wounds (ST1d8+1)

1: Scorpianmen (6) Potion: Resist/Remove poison

1: Scorpianmen (6) Potion: Survival +2 for 24 hrs.

1: Swarms Sand - (6)Potion of Burrow, 10pp

1: Swarms Golem Beetles - (6)Potion of Armour, 10pp

1: Swarms Beetles - (6)Potion of Boost(AG), 10pp

1: Swarms Scarab Beetles - (6)Potion of Boost(SM), 10pp

1: Swarms Crypt Beetles - (6)Potion of Boost(SP), 10pp

1: Swarms Spiders - (4)Potion of Remove Poison

1: Swarms Rats - (4)Potion of Cure Disease.

1: Swarms Locusts - (6) Succour, 10pp

1: Swarms Blood Locusts - (6) Heal.

1: Swarms Razor Wings - (6)Potion of Deflection, 10pp

1: Swarms Scorpians - (4)Potion of Remove Poison

1: Swarms Ants - (6) Blade Venom ST6.

1: Swarms Desert Crabs - (4)Potion of Boost(Survival), 24 hrs

1: Swarms Dogs - (4)Potion of Boost(Tracking), 24 hrs

1: Swarms Baboons - (4)Potion of Boost(ST), 10pp

1: Swarms Undead - (4)Potion of Boost(VG), 10pp


Table: potiontype

3: Potion

1: Salve

1: Pill

1: Biscuit

Table: potions

2: Heal I (one off)

1: +2 Toughness (10rds)

2: +2 to Stun recovery (10rds)

2: +2 Aptitude roll (one off)

1: +2 Deflection (10rds)

1: Heal II (one off)

2: Spell:. [@potionspell] - [@powerpoints]

1: 5PP (10rds)

1: 10PP (10rds)

1: +2 Survival (1 week)

1: Flawed [@flaw] - [!Potions]

1: Cursed [@curse] - [!Potions]

Table: potionspell

1: Aim

1: Armour

1: Barrier

1: Beast Friend

1: Blast

1: Bolt

1: Boost/Lower Trait

1: Burrow

1: Burst

1: Deflection

1: Detect Arcana

1: Elemental Manip

1: Entangle

1: Environmental Prot

1: Fear

1: Fly

1: Invisibility

1: Light

1: Mind Rider

1: Obscure

1: Quickness

1: Puppet

1: Smite

1: Speak Language

1: Stun

1: Speed

1: Succour

1: Telekinesis

1: Teleport

1: Trinkets

1: Windstorm

1: Zombie

Table: scrolltype

3: Scroll

1: Booklet

1: Skin

2: Tablet

Table: Scrolls

4: One spell: [@scrollspells] - [@powerpoints]

2: One spell x2: [@scrollspells] - [@powerpoints]

2: One spell x3: [@scrollspells] - [@powerpoints]

2: Two spells: [@2 scrollspells >> implode] - [@powerpoints]

2: Two spells x2: [@2 scrollspells >> implode] - [@powerpoints]

4: Heal (Divine) - [@powerpoints]

4: Cure (Divine) - [@powerpoints]

1: Instruction: Skill +1d [@skill] (1 month)

1: Instruction: Gain new power [@spell] (1 month)

1: Instruction: Gain new edge [@edge] (1 month)

1: Instruction: Gain +1d in [@trait] (1 month)

4: Protection [@protection] (1 encounter)

2: Flaw [@flaw] - [!scrolls]

2: Curse [@curse] - [!scrolls]

Table: scrollspells

1: Aim

1: Armour

1: Barrier

1: Beast Friend

1: Boost/Lower Trait

1: Deflection

1: Detect/Conceal Arcana

1: Dispel

1: Elemental Manip

1: Entangle

1: Environmental Prot

1: Exorcism

1: Gambler

1: Greater Healing

1: Healing

1: Inspiration

1: Light

1: Protection

1: Quickness

1: Sanctify

1: Smite

1: Speak Language

1: Stun

1: Succour

1: Wilderness Walk

1: Windstorm

Table: amulettype

1: medicine bag

1: feather bundle

1: single feather

1: animal skull (sm)

1: bone collection

1: painted rock

1: bead necklace

1: bracelet

2: Medallion

2: Broach

2: Earring

2: Ring

Table: Amulets

2: Spell: [@amuletspells] - [@powerpoints]

2: Spell x2: [@2 amuletspells] - [@powerpoints]

2: Protection [@protection] (1 encounter)

2: Protection [@protection] (5 attacks)

1: Ignore STUN result (5 times)

1: +1 Survival for 1 day (5 charges)

1: 5PP (till used)

1: 10PP (till used)

1: Flaw [@flaw] - [!amulets]

1: Curse [@curse] - [!amulets]

1: Gain skill 24 hrs - [@skill]

1: Gain edge 24 hrs - [@edge]

1: Gain spell 24 hrs - [@spell]

Table: amuletspells

1: Aim

1: Armour

1: Beast Friend

1: Boost/Lower Trait

1: Burrow

1: Deflection

1: Detect/Conceal Arcana

1: Dispel

1: Elemental Manip

1: Entangle

1: Environmental Prot

1: Exorcism

1: Fear

1: Greater Healing

1: Healing

1: Inspiration

1: Light

1: Mind Rider

1: Obscure

1: Protection

1: Quickness

1: Sanctify

1: Shape Change

1: Smite

1: Speak Language

1: Speed

1: Succour

1: Teleport

1: Trinkets

1: Vision Quest

1: Wilderness Walk

1: Windstorm

Table: Race

1: Mitanni

1: Greeks

2: Syrians

3: Phoenicians

1: Hittites

2: Nubians

2: Numidians

2: Libyans

2: Kushites

2: Ashrak

1: Dwarves

1: Elves

4: Aegyptians

1: Babylonians

1: Arabs

1: Crocodilemen

1: Ginats

Table: language

8: Egyptian

4: Phoenician

3: Syrian

2: Greek

2: Southern (Kushite/Nubian)

2: Hittite

1: Arabian

2: Dwarf

2: Elf

1: Eastern (Babylonian based)

Table: TradeGoods

12: Poor (0, x0.66, [#{4d12+10} TradeWeight])\n

12: Average (0, x1, [#{4d12+6} TradeWeight])\n

8: Good (+1, x2, [#{4d12+2} TradeWeight])\n

4: Fine (+2, x3, [#{4d12-2} TradeWeight])\n

3: Superb (+3, x4, [#{3d12} TradeWeight])\n

2: Rare (+2, x3, [#{3d12-2} TradeWeight])\n

2: Small (+1, x2, [#{2d12} TradeWeight])\n

1: Precious (+4, x5, [#{1d12} TradeWeight])\n

Table: TradeWeight

Type: Lookup

1: 10%

2: 20%

3-4: 30%

5-8: 40%

9-12: 50%

13-19: 70%

20-30: 100%

31-36: 120%

37-40: 150%

41-44: 200%

45-46: 250%

47-100: 300%