Professional Learning

At the core of every Scarsdale teacher is a lifelong learner. The District offers many opportunities for teachers to hone their craft and stay abreast of cutting edge research and pedagogical practices. From the Scarsdale Teachers Institute (STI) to the Scarsdale Teacher Collaborative (ST@C) to our current partnership with Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (TCRWP)t, teachers pursue learning interests collaboratively and individually. Ultimately, students benefit tremendously from teachers participating in professional learning communities, not only through the increased skills and expertise that they acquire, but also because the teachers themselves model learning.

Scarsdale Teachers Institute (STI)

The Scarsdale Teachers Institute (STI) supports innovative, teacher driven, professional development and continuing learning in support of Scarsdale and Edgemont district goals. The STI offers over 100 workshops, seminars, guest lectures, and more per year to the faculty of the Scarsdale and Edgemont schools, neighboring school districts, and community residents. With a myriad of choices, teachers are able to participate and offer courses based on their own passions, interests, and goals. A major focus of the STI is enhancing literacy learning at all levels of the district organization.

*See ELA Courses offered through the STI posted at the bottom of page.

Scarsdale Teachers Collaborative (ST@C)

The Scarsdale Teachers Collaborative ST@C) is a community of educators seeking to share ideas, collaborate, and learn together informally. These teacher-led classes provide opportunities for teachers to engage in meaningful dialogue and professional growth, providing a glimpse into each other's classroom. Our teachers are creative professionals who possess unique skills across the science, craft, and art of teaching. The ST@C is a forum for teachers to share those gifts with their colleagues through voluntary teacher-run and attended sessions.

Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Partnership

Our partnership with Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (TCRWP) extends our professional learning in the implementation of the reading and writing workshops, as well as many other components of balanced literacy. TCRWP provides our teachers with a multitude of opportunities, including: day-long workshops, week-long institutes, and in-house coaching. TCRWP coaches help teachers prepare units of study, model effective practices, provide feedback, and assist in goal setting. TCRWP has many written and published units of study; however, we also place great value in their ever-evolving research, workshop model, and expertise of staff developers. Our teachers select and choose these elements of professional development to enhance personalized instruction.

Collegial Research Groups

The Collegial Research Group (CRG) brings together classroom and specialty area teacher-leaders and potential teacher-leaders from across the District. Teachers who volunteer to participate in the CRG will engage in research study with colleagues Districtwide, along with an expert in the field of literacy in a teacher-driven specialized area of instruction. For the 2019-20 school year, teachers involved in the CRG will be working with Natalie Louis (K-2) and Brooke Geller (3-5).

Members of the District ELA Teacher-Researcher Collegial Group convene for five full days across the year in classrooms that have developed exemplary practices so that the group can research students, implement classroom practices, and reflect together. During these days together, K-2 and 3-5 experienced workshop teachers and a TCRWP leader will work shoulder-to-shoulder as researchers to pursue serious classroom-based inquiry.

Description of Teacher-Researcher Collegial Group at a Glance

Goals and Focus:

  • Exemplary Practices

  • Research Students

  • Implement Practices

  • Professional Reflection

ELA Coordinator Courses offered through the STI (2020-21)*

STI - **** - Elementary ELA Collegial Research Group (9/20-6/21) 3cr.

STI - **** -Nuts and Bolts: Hybrid Learning (TBD) 3 cr

STI - **** -Digital Literacies (TBD) 1 cr

STI - **** -Making Writing with Author Angela Stockmon (TBD) 1 cr.

STI - **** - Reading and Writing Workshops and the TC Saturday Reunion (TBD) 1cr.

ST@C Course Opportunities

  • TBD

*For more ELA and other STI and ST@C courses offered through the STI, please Browse the online catalog