Lighthouse School, Inc.

May 18, 2020

"So wear your strongest posture now, and see your hardest times as more than just the times you fell but a range of mountains you learned to climb" - Morgan Harper Nichols

ANNOUNCEMENT: The last day of this school year for students at Lighthouse School will be June 19, 2020. We encourage you to check these Weekly Updates as well as our website, for more information regarding end of the year planning.

Dear Parents & Guardians,

We hope this newsletter finds you well. We have successfully completed yet another week together. As you read, there are some topics we would like to discuss that will hopefully enhance the remote learning experience for your family going forward.

We are continuing to ask for your support and assistance in having your child engage in learning more consistently. Please make every attempt for your child to log on daily, join the Lighthouse Community and actively participate. Understand that we are also creating reinforcement programming and motivational strategies to assist you and your student in order to increase motivation to participate. Please let us know how you are coping with all of these challenges and any ways that we might be helpful.

We are sensitive to the tremendous challenge that remote education presents to our students. School and all of its demands are challenging enough under ‘normal’ circumstances. Remote Learning, and using Google Classroom and Meet present even greater challenges. These platforms were not developed necessarily with our students in mind. Together, we are learning how to apply our skills in APEX in this new remote world. In particular, we are working to help students with regulation issues. Understandably, just like when we are together in the building, there are times when students become dysregulated and even disruptive. In these cases, just like when we were in the building, we will redirect, validate, offer a coping strategy etc. to help your child re-engage appropriately. At the same time, some of our inventive options that are available while in school are less feasible in remote circumstances. Unfortunately, if a student’s actions significantly disrupt the learning opportunity of other students, they will be removed from the classroom for that lesson. This process is not taken lightly and we will work with you to resolve these conflicts and have students return to regularly scheduled learning settings.

Finally, we are all hoping for warmer weather and we recognize that you have questions about the end of the year. We appreciate your patience and hope to share details with you in the very near future.

Warm Regards,

Peter Lang, M.Ed., Principal

Spotlight: Educational Services

Students come to Lighthouse School having struggled in other learning environments. Social, emotional and behavioral needs often co-exist with their learning needs. Within our flexible service delivery model, our teachers work on IEP goals/benchmarks and state curriculum standards. In collaboration with other staff, they provide an alternative frame of reference that enables students to learn about themselves and other people, and develop functionally adaptive ways to confront and work through areas of difficulty. This in turn leads to increased success and enjoyment of learning.

Throughout the school closure due to COVID-19, our teachers have worked hard to provide educational continuity and structure to our students’ days. We provided analog and digital materials, links to on-line programs they were already familiar with, such as BrainPop, iXL Math and Core 5 Reading, as well as projects, assignments and Scholastic Magazines to engage students. In addition, we launched the Google Classroom Platform which involves creativity, patience and commitment on the part of our teachers, and the involvement and support of caretakers and parents, to foster student success.

Currently, hallmarks of each student’s day include Morning Meeting, Writer’s Workshop, content area lessons, small group tutorial sessions, independent assignments and projects, physical education and other wellness experiences, speech and occupational therapy, as well as individual and group therapy. Students have access to staff throughout the entire school day, just as they would within the school building. We have truly enjoyed seeing first hand, the joy and excitement in our students as they greet their friends and teachers each day!

As a school, we are committed to working closely with our families and sending districts to provide a high-quality education to each and every one of our students. Although we are not together in the building at this time, our teaching staff have embraced the opportunity we face during these unique circumstances by modifying their lessons for remote learning while maintaining the strong bioeducational components that foster not only school success, but also life success.

Google Classroom Help!

It's safe to say that most of our students - and their parents - are fairly new to the Google Classroom experience. To help you navigate this sometimes-tricky terrain, check out the following quick video tutorials!

One of the most important aspects of Google Classroom is turning in your assignment! The videos below show you how, step-by-step:

YouTube has a lot of great tutorials to help us get up to speed. And below are some short-cut keys to help YouTube speed up, and get to what you want!

J = skip back 10 seconds; K = play/pause; L = skip forward 10 seconds
= skip forward 5 seconds; = skip backward 5 seconds
and = Adjust the volume Up and Down, respectively

De-stress with Meditation

Everyone experiences stress in their daily lives, and we could probably all agree that currently, stress levels are higher than ever. The days are busy and full of necessary things to do and schedules to follow, but it is important to balance that with making the time to take a break and unwind, even if it is brief. Meditation is a practice that people can use to slow things down and give their minds and bodies a chance to rest and reset.

If you are interested in trying out meditation, we've included a link to a website with guided meditations which are designed to be appropriate for children as well as adults. You can also find a link to a video on YouTube, demonstrating a progressive muscle relaxation exercise to calm both the body and mind.

Headspace is a mediation 'App' that you can can download for free directly to your phone or other device. The focus is on relaxation and improving overall well-being, as well as a more restful sleep.

We hope you find the time to do something that helps you and your children recharge throughout the day!

To our LEA's

Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to support our students and their families. We are here for you and if you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Dorothy Pepin, Director of Program Administration

Jennifer Kamin, Associate Director of Program Administration

Amy Bassett, Supervisor for Team Meetings

Sandra Muldowney, Supervisor for Enrollment Services

To our Families

Our therapists are available to offer clinical support to families and students 24 hours a day.

If you are in need of assistance, please call our support line, starting with Line 1.

Line #1: (978) 821-1351

If you are not able to connect with a therapist or do not get a response within 10 minutes, please try Line 2.

Line #2: (978) 821-0316


Assistance for students and families, including meals, is available throughout the week and varies by school district. Please visit your public school district's website for the most current information.

Click the icon for up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 from the Mass General Hospital website