Volunteer Opportunities

In order for a successful program to run we need help! Here are some of the many opportunities that you can get involved with!  

Booster Board Member: 

Social Committe: (1-3)

Event Planner for Kids and Separate events to get parents together

Maintenance/Handyman: (2-3)

On Call to fix things, build something, paint or find items choir needs. Example: racks for choir attire, cubbies for storage, etc.)

Fundraising Committee: (1-3)

Update Boosters on Fundraising opportunities. Oversee student/parent retrieval of fundraising items (when applicable).

Social Media Coordinator(s): 

Update Social Media output on Facebook and Websites

Spring Sing Committee: (10+)

Collect donations for baskets, assemble baskets, create sign up genius, volunteer coordinator, 50/50 raffles, decorations, collecting tickets, setup/breakdown, NO SENIOR PARENTS HELPING AT END OF EVENT

Pop Show Committee: (+7)

Coordinator, sign-up genius, electronic signs, sell refreshments, 50/50 raffles, advertisements. 

Solo & Ensemble: (3-6)

Merchandise Sales

Sunshine Committee: (1-3)

Phone Tree, thank you cards, invites to local business supporters for our shows

Donations Coordinator(s):

Collect donations year round, including seeking out local businesses that would support our organization. 

Brat Fry Committee: (4+)

Sign Up Genius/volunteer coordinator, pick up supplies and parent donations coordinator, boil brats with secret recipe night before coordinator, advertising on electronic signs and posters at local businesses coordinator

Merchandise & Apparel Coordinator(s): (1-3)

Order and pass out Student/Family Choir/Synergy Apparel and Merchandise, sell merchandise at choir concerts, Pop Show and Spring Sing

Choir Attire Coordinator(s):

Measure students at the beginning of the school year and assign attire to students appropriately. Order new attire when needed. Organize and wash attire after concerts.



Scholarship Committee

(Parent of Senior Students not permitted)