
A Cappella Choir

What we'll learn

This course is designed to educate students in the performance of a wide variety of styles of a cappella - unaccompanied vocal music. The curriculum will include sacred and secular forms of music ranging from bits of madrigals and Christmas Carols to collegiate style a cappella arrangements of jazz, rock & pop music.

Students will also. . .

  • learn more about the history and theory of the music they sing

  • develop technical skills to build and maintain a healthy vocal system

  • read, write and notate music using standard and non-standard notation

  • evaluate their performances and performances of others using musical vocabulary and evaluation criteria they have determined for themselves

  • analyze the technical, emotional and musical content of their music

  • perform a diverse array of music in a variety of venues throughout the community


  • Be on time and prepared. All students must be in their seats at the beginning of class, or you WILL be marked tardy. We don’t have a lot of time together & every minute counts!!!

  • Consistent and active participation from EVERY VOICE!! This does not include talking when you shouldn’t be. If there is a valid health reason why you are unable to participate, please present a note of explanation from a parent, the health office, or an administrator. Verbal excuses cannot be permitted.

  • Respect and support each other. Rehearse with a sense of class and professionalism. Respect each others’ ideas and contributions. You are young adults and are expected to behave that way! Remember, the way you rehearse is the way you will perform. This choir has a tradition of excellence to uphold!

  • Be positive!! Enough said!

  • No food, candy, gum, or beverages allowed in class or on stage. Water bottles (with CLEAR WATER ONLY) should be brought to class, but are not allowed on stage. If a student is eating or chewing gum during a rehearsal, half of their points for the day will be lost. If a student is eating or chewing gum during a concert, they will automatically lose ONE FULL LETTER GRADE.


Pencil, Folder, Water Bottle and Music


  • Students are REQUIRED to participate in ALL performances, even those outside of the school day. The absence of even one person will adversely affect such a small group--this includes the performance and the morale of the choir as a whole. Conflicts with work-schedules are NOT a valid reason for being absent. Conflicts with other school activities will be handled on an individual basis. An unexcused absence at a concert may result in a failing grade.


  • Be dressed in proper concert attire for all concerts. Your attire is to consist of the following: Concert Choir Attire (provided - see "Concert Choir" page) and/or

    • Ladies: Black dress w/ colorful tights and one colorful accent

    • Men: Black dress pants and dress shirt w/ colorful tie / colorful suspenders

  • ABSOLUTELY NO athletic shoes, denim jeans, shorts, sweatshirts, ripped clothing, revealing shirts, mini skirts or white socks to be worn in concert by any member of choir. If you are dressed inappropriately, you will not be allowed to perform and will receive a zero for the performance grade. PLEASE be conscientious of how you present yourself!!


The choir grade is determined from an average of participation, written work/skill development, and performance grades.

Course Term and Semester Grading will be calculated as follows:

Daily Rehearsal (full class, sectionals, individual) : 70%

Written and Skill Work: 10%

Performances: 20%

Assignments: You will be required to complete written and online assignments. These assignments will range from vocabulary tests, to journal entries, to theory work, to sight-reading etc. You will also be required to complete “Sight Reading Factory” activities 3 times/semester.

In most cases, you will be given one school week (5 days) to complete a written assignment. This will allow those without Internet access at home to complete assignments at school.

Homework & Make Up Policies

  • Homework must be turned in on time to receive full points. For every day an assignment is late, a drop of 10% will be applied BEFORE grading. BE RESPONSIBLE!!

  • When a student is absent from class/rehearsal/voice lessons (NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON) it is the STUDENT’S responsibility to find out what was missed and make it up before the end of the grading period!!


  • Behaviors that interfere with others’ right to learn are disruptive. Examples of disruptions are: talking during class, annoying others, horseplay, not participating, moving out of your assigned seats, back talk and failure to follow instructions.

  • Behavior will also be reflected in your rehearsal grade. Additional assessments will be made by the teacher, peers in sectional rehearsals, and self-evaluation. AGAIN, BE RESPONSIBLE AND RESPECTFUL! We want to be a group of happy, successful singers-not a mediocre mob of unruly children!