Chamber Singers

What we'll learn...

The overall aim of the music program is based in the belief that music and the arts can significantly contribute to students' creative and original thought, social growth, performance opportunities and love of learning. 

Throughout the semester, students will have the opportunity to develop thinking and vocal music skills through:

• Performing music - singing and playing instruments

Describing music - listening, writing, discussing and analyzing

Establishing connections - to content of various subject areas, history, and "real-life" personal connections

Rehearsal Expectations

Be Aware of These Things

Performance Expectations

ABSOLUTELY NO athletic shoes, denim pants, ripped clothing, or white socks to be worn in concert by any member of any choir.  If you forget your attire or are dressed inappropriately, you will not be allowed to perform and will receive a zero for the concert.  PLEASE be conscientious of how you present yourself and responsible for your concert attire!

**Failure to return your concert attire at the end of the year will result in a $60 fine through the HHS Main Office.

**ALL choir students are required to purchase a Polo Shirt for fall concert & field trips

**Students have the OPTION to purchase additional choir spirit wear – sweatshirts, T’s, baseball shirts etc. - through Burghardt's Sporting Goods. Info to be posted ASAP.

Materials Needed


The choir grade is determined from an average of participation, written work/skill development, and performance grades. 

Course Term and Semester Grading will be calculated as follows:

Daily Rehearsal (full class, sectionals, individual) : 70% 

Written and Skill Work: 10% 

Performances: 20% 

Assignments: You will be required to complete written and online assignments (on Google Classroom and Sight Reading Factory).  These assignments will range from vocabulary tests, to journal entries, to sight-reading etc.  You will also be required to complete “Sight Reading Factory” activities 3 times/semester.  

In most cases, you will be given one school week (5 days) to complete a written assignment.  This will allow those without Internet access at home to complete assignments at school. 

Homework & Make Up Policies