Outside Opportunites

Here at Hamilton we try and provide as many outside opportunities for students to get involved in. Here are just a few events/opportunities that past students have participated in and found to be extremely beneficial.

Clearwater Festival - University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

      • Every year UW-Eau Claire hosts a weekend long festival full of singing! Friday night is A Cappella Extravaganza where students can see the University's seven a cappella ensembles, and then all day Saturday they will have the opportunity to work with the University Choral and Voice Directors, listen to 3 of the 5 University Choral Ensembles, and Perform in the evening with many other High School Students from all over the Midwest Area. This is a great opportunity for students who may be looking to pursue music and are looking into different college programs in the state. **Please note** This is not a school field trip so parents/students will have to find housing and drive back and forth. We have had much success in the past with parents/students carpooling and finding hotels together.

Singing in Wisconsin - Carroll University

    • Middle and High School Students from all across Southeastern Wisconsin will be singing the exact same songs at the exact time as students in other parts of the state for this phenomenal opportunity. It is the perfect place for those students who just love to sing, regardless of ability. There are 3 choirs that you can be involved in: Women's Choir (9th grade girls), Men's Choir (7-9th grade boys), or the Mixed Choir (9-12th grade boys/girls) You will get to work with fantastic choral directors and clinicians, and have the opportunity to come back to class and share what you learned with everyone else involved in the HHS Choir program. We have had so many students come back from this opportunity and be better leaders because they are able to share what they learned with others.

Milwaukappella- South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center

  • Small A Cappella groups from all over the midwest area have the opportunity to go to all day sudent workshops with an evening performance, featuring students and student groups from the dayside classes as well as our headline band, The Transit Vocal Band, beginning at 7:30pm. Tickets include lunch, dinner, snacks and great seats for the evening performance; all for $45/in advance, $65/day of. Please visit www.southmilwaukeepac.org for tickets. If your group would like to perform in the evening show, please contact them ASAP! Space is limited! Visit www.rcomf.org for additional information on the workshops!