Year 6

Welcome Year 6!

Hello Year 6!

Welcome back to our online learning! We all hope you had a restful half term, hopefully away from screens all day! With the announcement that schools will be returning on the 8th March, we only have one more week of online learning! Let’s have one big push next week so that we can come back to school as best prepared as possible.

Here are some top tips to get us through the final week:

· I have a routine each day: get up on time, brush my teeth, get dressed

· I turn on my device with time to spare

· I have read and understood my timetable

· I use PLUGS to help me think about how to plan my time, structure and check how my work is going

· I read, watch and use the resources that my teacher provides for each task and try to help myself before asking for help

· I know where to ask for help if I need it (from my teacher, classmates, an adult at home)

· My background is safe and suitable for live meets

· I have an area where I can work and try to keep it tidy

· I use the camera and know how to use the mute button in live meets

· I take part and am sensible in my google classroom stream

We have continued to be impressed with the attitude some of you are showing towards your home learning. There has been some great work on area and perimeter as well as lots of amazing pieces of descriptive writing.

Look around the page to see some of the spetacular work from this week!

Next week sees us celebrate World Book Day on Thursday March 4th and we are really looking forward to seeing what costumes you have in store for us!

Again we have spent a long time pre-recording your English lessons this week - please watch them before completing your learning and let us know if you have any feedback. If the video does not work, use the Youtube link instead. Let us know if you have any questions by posting on the class stream or emailing:

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Marsh, Mr Thorn and the rest of the Year 6 team

This week's timetable:

Year 6 Spring 2 Week 2.docx


  • Don't forget to read everyday!

  • Use Renaissance Learning in Wonde to take a quiz (it's the same as Accelerated Reader)!

Have you registered for your library card? If you haven't, click here!

  • You can also use the Libby app to access books wherever you are. Download the app onto your device (search 'Libby app' and look for the logo) or access it through the internet (click the image).

  • Click the images for access to books online!

Help Videos

Click the images below to watch the videos.

How to log into Wonde

How To Log Into Wonde.mp4

How to use Google Classroom

How To Use Google Classroom.mp4

Log into Wonde

Click the icon below to access Wonde.

You will need to type in your username and password.


No matter what your worry is, you can contact Childline. They will offer you support and advice on your concerns.

Call for free on 0800 1111 or go to

Worried? Feeling Unsafe?

Click the Granard logo to talk to someone at school.