Info for Parents

Support for Parents and Carers

Updates on School Closure:

We will continue to update you on the school closure via email, newsletters and the Granard School Website. Please continue to follow us on our Twitter account (@granardsch) and our Instagram (@granardprimary).

Home Learning Resources:

  • All the home learning resources can be found on this portal.

  • You should refer to your child's year group page for information on their activities for each week.

  • You can find additional links and resources here.

Talking to Children:

During this challenging time, your child may worry about what is happening and what may happen in the future. They may worry more if they don't understand what is currently happening. Below are some tips on how to talk about coronavirus and answer any questions that your child may have.

  • Young Minds - tips on talking about coronavirus with your child

  • BBC Coronavirus - Simple facts on how parents should tell children

  • Mindheart - A story about how coronavirus spreads (available in different languages)

  • Place2bBe - Helpful information on how to answer questions your child might have

Things You Might Be Worried About:

The current situation brings a lot of uncertainty with it. This can, for some, cause a great deal of anxiety. You might be thinking about:

  • Dealing with illness yourself

  • Dealing with the illness of family members - at worst grief

  • Lack of food or provisions

  • Child care issues

  • Loss of income where you or family members are unable to work

  • Supporting your children and family members

  • How your children are going to get continued education, exercise and opportunities

  • Inability to access healthcare for other medical issues

  • Loneliness, anxiety or depression

Keep in touch with family, friends, colleagues and our school community at this time - they will be an important source of support, via phone, messages, skype etc.

Useful Links: