Year 2

Welcome Year 2!

Hi Year 2,

This week we have been learning about plants in our new science topic. The children learnt about what plants need to grow, they named different types of plants and looked at the parts of a plant.

The children continued their multiplication and division learning in maths. They are becoming more confident in answering word problems based on these two maths operations. The children have been tested on these during their Google Meets.

We also found out that we will all be returning to school on Monday 8th March. The teachers, pupils and parents are all very happy about this!

Here are a few examples of some brilliant learning from Year 2 this week:

If you have any questions or would like to share work with us, send an email to:

Take care and stay safe
The Year 2 Team :)

Mimi’s wild flowers that she made after learning about plants in Science. This is a great extension task - well done.

Neaveh-Scarlett is becoming more confident at her times table recall and answered these number sentences really well!

Well done to Cobby for some excellent maths work!

This week's timetable:

Spring 2 Week 2 Timetable.docx


  • Don't forget to read everyday!

  • Read a story with your family!

  • Use Oxford Owl to access books online - click the picture!

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If you haven't, click here!

Help Videos

Click the images below to watch the videos

How to log into Wonde

How To Log Into Wonde.mp4

How to use Google Classroom

How To Use Google Classroom.mp4

Log into Wonde

Click the icon below to access Wonde.

You will need to type in your username and password.


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