Year 5

Welcome Year 5!

Hi Year 5!

We have been very impressed with all of the hard work that everyone has completed on Google Classroom this week. You’ve made fantastic progress in your understanding of fractions in maths and have shown great resilience here, even if you’ve found the work tricky. In English, you have produced some wonderful postcards from Clovis, and shown great understanding of ‘Journey to the River Sea’. We have seen some fabulous work on lunar and solar eclipses, as well as some great evaluations of our ‘Rivers’ topic - it’s amazing how much you’ve learnt!

Take a look around for some of the outstanding work that you completed the week before half term.

Next week will be our final week of home learning before we go back to school - we can’t wait to see what you produce! As always, we will continue to meet every day at 2pm. It is really important that you attend these meetings, so try really hard to attend. If you can’t, let Miss Breeze or Miss Harrup know.

Mr Ardrey will still be doing PE every day at 10am and 1.30pm.

Mr Thomas will still be doing brass continuous every Friday at 9am (but you can watch the videos later on in the day, if you are busy doing something else).

Remember, you need to complete all the work set on Google Classroom each day. There are also extra challenges, which you can complete if you wish. You need to complete 2 Bedrock sessions a week and TTRS every day (we recommend 15 minutes). Don’t forget to take an AR quiz every week, too!

Stay safe,

Miss Breeze and Miss Harrup

This week's timetable:

Spring 2, Week 2


  • Don't forget to read everyday!

  • Use Renaissance Learning in Wonde to take a quiz (it's the same as Accelerated Reader)!

Have you registered for your library card? If you haven't, click here!

  • You can also use the Libby app to access books wherever you are. Download the app onto your device (search 'Libby app' and look for the logo) or access it through the internet (click the image).

  • Click the images for access to books online!

Help Videos

Click the images below to watch the videos

How to log into Wonde

How To Log Into Wonde.mp4

How to use Google Classroom

How To Use Google Classroom.mp4

Log into Wonde

Click the icon below to access Wonde.

You will need to type in your username and password.


No matter what your worry is, you can contact Childline. They will offer you support and advice on your concerns.

Call for free on 0800 1111 or go to

Worried? Feeling Unsafe?

Click the Granard logo to talk to someone at school.