Here are some frequently asked questions about Google Classroom and Wonde. If your query hasn't been answered here, please leave a message on the 'Chat to Us' form.

Q: When I login, I can see my other child's class. How do I fix this?

When you sign out your child, make sure that they’ve signed out of both Wonde and Google. You will then be able to sign another child in.

To sign out of Google:

1. Go to the Google homepage.

2. In the top right-hand corner there will be a letter / person - click on this.

3. Click sign out.

Q: When I press the apps in Wonde, it doesn’t log me in?

Try logging into Wonde using Google Chrome. It will then ask you to install an extension – say yes to installing. You should now be able to access the apps in Wonde. Download Google Chrome here.

Q: My child can’t access their Classroom using the Google Classroom app

You cannot use the Google Classroom app to login to your child’s class. You must use Wonde to login. Click here to watch the video on how to access Wonde.

Q: I don’t know how to get to / login to Wonde.

Click here to watch the video on how to access Wonde.

Q: I can’t login to Times Table Rock Stars.

If the app isn’t working in Wonde, click here to login using your child’s Wonde details.