
Technology was very helpful to me since I am a student in a technology-based School and Century. My favorite assignment this year was the Genius Hour Project because it was very refreshing to work on something of my interest for school.

Assignments from 1st Semester

Hoaxes and Fakes

Erin Howard - Hoaxes and Fakes - Read Laterally for Accuracy Student Handout (Teacher Version)

For this unit, we dived into understanding what is fake and what is real in the Internet world. This project was based on researching different articles and videos that could be fake. After deeper research, we discovered that some unbelievable stories, were unreal.

Future of Transportation

This unit we focused on the future. As a class, we researched different articles and stories about future and rising transportation. Using our knowledge from find if something on the web was fake or not, we could know what real idea we can study. For my project I decided to based it Flying Cars in Japan by Tokyo.

Erin Howard - The Future of Transportation

Assignments from 2nd Semester

Budget Planning Project

Erin Howard - Budget Planning

In March we focused on learning life skills, so my class chose to learn about money managing. I am grateful that we are able to learn more life skills in school that we will use in the future everyday. So for this project we chose what salary, housing, car, our main food resource, and other lifestyle activities. It was very nice to plug in other bills and add up how much it would cost for everything we planned to fit into our budget. Luckily I was able to still save $2,170 at the end of the month.

Genius Hour Project

For the majority of the semester, we focused on our Genius Hour Project. For this, we chose an interest or skill that we wanted to improve on over four months. For my project, I chose the focus on Harp, I chose to focus on learning a new advanced classical harp piece named Pistache. We had to document our progress in our Genius Hour Project Journal. I was very proud of myself for staying motivated, and to keep trying when I felt though some parts were too hard for me. In the end, I was able to accomplish my goal and complete and perform the final piece.

Erin Howard - GH - Project Plan