
In geometry this year I learned a lot of new information. Even if I didn't get. concept at first it was interesting to know how everything worked together in math. I'm very grateful for my teacher making learning it fun and exciting. And I'm grateful that this information will stick with me to the next building block in my math journey.

Assignments from 1st Semester

Designing a Math video Game Project

Erin Howard - Unit 1 Project - Video Game Design.pptx

One way that we applied transformations to the real world was through discussing how video games were made when they were designed by hand in the early 1980s. We went through the process of designing our own video games which consisted of translations, rotations, and reflections that helped navigate the players of the video game.

It was important throughout this process that we remember the differences between translations, reflections, rotations, and dilations. Translation is a sliding motion, reflection is when you reflect along a line, rotations is when you rotate a certain degree and dilations is the scale of a image or shape. It is important to know understand this because we see our reflection everyday and that is a reflection in math as well, and how far items or people travel, that's a translation.

Google Maps Trigonometry Project

One way that right triangle trigonometry applies to the real world is through finding the length of distances between 2 points. In geometry we used google maps and created right triangles from different neighborhoods in Atlanta. We used trig. Ratios to determine the length of the distance between the neighborhoods to different resources such as the hospital and grocery store. We then compared the length of these distances to the income in the neighborhoods. This helped to show the inequalities present in many areas in Atlanta. And to understand what we can do as citizens to help people in need and spread resources to help people.

Erin Howard - Unit 2 Project Handout V1 FINAL

Assignments from 2nd Semester

Sector Area + Arc Length Activity

Erin Howard - Cookie/Tortilla Sector Area + Arc Length Activity

In the beginning of our second semester, we learned more about the different parts of a circle in geometry. We learned about are and arcs for a circle. In this activity we measured and calculated different scenarios for a circle, well in my case, a cookie. This was a really fun activity because there was different parts to it and of course because there was food involved.

Final Probability Project

In Unit 6, we focused on probability, so for our final project of the semester we created a survey that relates to a current event. With this survey we analyzed the results and created probability questions using the different types of tables. For our project we asked the question, "Are you planning to take the Covid-19 vaccine when available?" We asked the 9th and 10th graders in our class. Here are our results.

Final Presentation - Erin Howard & Nyla Rollins