
Overall, I really looked forwards to English class because most of the year we focused on reading two books and I love reading and analyzing books. Also it was fun to see my mind go and see where my creativity takes me when we had to write. Sometimes it is not always easy starting, but once I get an idea, I take off with it. And thats why I liked English, because we were able to take off with our writing.

Assignments from 1st Semester

A Hero's Journey Test Snaps Project

Erin Howard - Hero's Journey Text Snaps

For this project, since we were reading The Odyssey, we had to explain different points in the book with providing a picture of the scene and analyzing it to show how it connected. It was challenging at first, but once I was able to think deeper and immerse myself into the book, I was able to connect the situations more fluently.

Final Odyssey Essay Project

After we finished the book, The Odyssey, we wrote an essay about deciding if Odysseus is a true hero or not. I said that he was not a true hero because he does not help other people in need when it is not convenient for himself. Unfortunately,I no longer have the full essay but I have provided the final conclusion.

Erin Howard - Step 8: Conclusion Outline

Assignments from 2nd Semester

Purple Hibiscus Final Essay Project

Erin Howard - Purple Hibiscus Essay Final Draft

After we had read the book, Purple Hibiscus, we wrote an essay about an opinion and talked about it relating to the book. I really enjoyed reading Purple Hibiscus because it was very eventful and many things throughout the book meant a deeper meaning than first perceived. It was very entertaining thinking about the meaning of different events and symbols throughout the book.

PBL Promotional Video Project


At the end of the semester, we created a ferris wheel that related to English and Physical Science. The ferris wheel was based off of the book Purple Hibiscus. We made an experience that showed other people what Purple Hibiscus showed us. For my ferris wheel, Viewpoints, I made a ferris wheel out of legos that had two distinct sides. These sides represented two different Viewpoints. One being 3rd person point of view, describing what is happening in the book, and the opposite side, is Kambili's point of view. Her side shows her thoughts and emotions and lets us see her grow mentally.