
Junie Hayashi

We would like to welcome you to this workshop series! We will be your facilitators for the next seven weeks. This course will be conducted as a flipped workshop series.

"Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter" (The Flipped Learning Network).

To be successful in flipped learning:

  • Be timely. Start early on your at-home activities to allow yourself enough time to absorb the materials.

  • Prepare. Complete your at-home activities so you come to class prepared to get the most out of your in-class learning.

  • Participate. Actively participate, contribute, and be a team player in the in-class activities.

We are excited that you have chosen to participate in this workshop series. We will help you to find and incorporate no-cost, low-cost, and creative commons resources as replacements to traditional textbooks. Early studies are showing that not only are students finishing their degrees faster as a result of OER adoption, but they are more successful in their courses because they have the materials from the first day of class.

We welcome you to join us in the Open Educational Resources movement as we seek to lower costs for students and increase student success.

Your facilitators,
Wayde and Junie

Facilitator's Contact Information

Wayde Oshiro
Email: waydeo@hawaii.edu
Phone: 455-0378

Junie Hayashi
Email: junie@hawaii.edu
Phone: 455-0680

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