Jenna Serr

Jenna Serr and Family

Mrs. Serr's Family

Welcome to our class! My name is Mrs. Serr and this is my fifth year teaching Kindergarten in the Byron School District. Before moving back to Minnesota, I was a Kindergarten/First Grade looping teacher in Tacoma, WA. My husband is a Physical Education teacher in Rochester where we live with our three daughters: Nora (7), Scarlett (5), and Hope (almost 2). My favorite color is purple and I love to read! I love watching football (Go Seahawks!!!) and my favorite food is CHOCOLATE!

This school year will be an exciting one for all of us! Our classroom will be a place where we can learn, laugh, make mistakes, make new friends, and try new things. By working together as partners in your child’s education, we are sure to have a successful and fun year. I believe that communication between school and home is an integral part of successful collaboration between students, parents, and teachers. In order to keep lines of communication open between school and home, please feel free to contact me by phone or email with any questions or concerns. I check my email often throughout the day and this is usually the quickest way to reach me. For more urgent matters, please call the Byron Primary School office to be connected to my classroom.

Contact Information:

Phone: (507)-624-0311 (Lisa Ress - Secretary)


Below is a copy of our daily schedule so you will know what we are working on throughout the day. Occasionally our schedule will change, but this is a good guide to use for planning purposes.

Daily Schedule:

7:55 Pick students up, attendance, lunch count, and check folders

8:05 Morning Meeting (greeting, message, sharing, activity)

8:20 Whole Group Reading (phonics, target skills, sight words)

8:45-9:45 Daily Five: Literacy Centers

9:45 Snack

10:00 9:05 Specials (Art, PE, Library, Music, Friendship Class)

10:50 Writing

11:05 Free Choice

11:40 Rotations (Science, Social Studies, Engineering, 7 Mindsets)

12:15 Lunch and Recess

1:10 Calendar and Math

1:50 STARS Time (Targeted intervention and enrichment)

2:20 Pack-up for the day

2:35 Dismissal

*All special area classes are on a five-day rotation. The days designated for PE will be marked on the monthly calendar in your child’s blue folder. Please make sure your child has appropriate footwear on these days.

Please look through the resources below or click on the following link to learn more about our Kindergarten ELO's (Essential Learning Outcomes).

Kindergarten Essential Learning Outcomes