Joseph Call Backs


We are being very specific about preparation for callbacks this year.  We REALLY need to see characterization and preparation of the following FULL songs with the following people:


Liv Derrick

Maggie Donovan

Evangelia Karoussos

Naomi Smith

Claire Stastny

Aubrey Van Liere

Song of the King

Sam Christianson

Paige Parry

Any Dream Will Do & Close Every Door

Maggie Donovan

Lucia Everist

Gavin Ihrke

Evangelia Karoussos

Tommy Molldrem

Matthew Smith

One More Angel in Heaven (full song with characterization!), Those Canaan Days (full song with characterization!), & Benjamin’s Calypso (full song with characterization!)

Sam Christianson

Krisalyn Cook

Joshua Cruz-Landeros

Liv Derrick

Maggie Donovan

Katherine Doom

George Dorn

Lucia Everist

Gavin Ihrke

Ava Leonard

Evangelia Karoussos

Libby McFarland

Lucy McArdle

Tommy Molldrem

Paige Parry

Joe Portz

Matthew Smith

Naomi Smith

Claire Stastny

Mariana Stojmenovich

Elizabeth Teskey

Aubrey Van Liere

Elena Venell