Collection Development and Management Policy

The University of York Library‘s Collection Development and Management Policy describes our commitment to develop, provide space for, make accessible, manage and promote the Library’s collections. It provides a framework for collections and supports the broader Library & Archives strategies

Policy statements

Our 10 policy statements guide and shape our practical approaches to collection development and management:

Intellectual Freedom Statement

Our commitment is to develop collections that meet the educational and research needs of the university. Our aim to acquire and provide access to a wide variety of resources does not imply our endorsement of any statements or opinions contained therein. 

We adhere to the Research Libraries UK (RLUK) statement on intellectual freedom, its endorsement to the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Statement on Libraries and Intellectual Freedom”, and support its ambition to “acquire, organise and disseminate information freely and oppose any form of censorship. 

To support the principles and policies, we have defined quality method statements to ensure they are enacted. 

In collaboration with the wider academic community, the Library has developed a set of 5 key principles which underpin the development and management of our physical collections.

Further information about Library processes which support this policy can be obtained by contacting the Head of Content & Open Research or your Academic Liaison Librarian.