
Once you have been assigned your supervisors please contact them to arrange your first meeting. We envisage that you should have around two meetings each month. These meetings may be in person or online depending on what you and your supervisors prefer and a record of these meetings should be made on eVision:  

The focus of your first supervision meeting will be to discuss and develop your proposal further.  You may also find it useful to make some additional notes about your topic before you meet, thinking about:

Before you meet:

After your supervision meeting: 

Expectations of your supervisor(s)

Remember it is your project and you should take the initiative in submitting written work for input from your supervisors. You should give sufficient time for them to respond and whilst they will provide constructive feedback including providing guidance on the scope of your project and how to structure your dissertation they are not expected to write sections or to proof-read your dissertation.    

If you are struggling with any aspect of your dissertation please raise the issue with your supervisors and if that does not work, speak to your programme lead, another academic member of staff in the Department or the Graduate School Association