These examples show some of our experiments with Augmented Reality in the Teaching and Learning team at the University of York.

There are a number of different types of Augmented Reality, from Pokemon-like experiences which make use of GPS data and display 3D animations to the simpler Image Trigger Augmented Reality that we have used here.

The product we used for all of these was Wikitude. We trialled a number of tools before choosing Wikitude from end-user tools like HP Reveal (which didn't work on Macs), or Blippar which rejected our content, to more developer-oriented tools such as Layar or ArKit and Droid AR.

We chose Wikitude Studio because it is ridiculously simple to use, absolutely anyone could do it. We chose to use the Image Triggers feature because when working with students, this is a way of working that really give impressive results very quickly.

Wikitude, unlinke many other products also let's you fully explore the tool in Developer mode, meaning you can create AR content and even demo it to colleagues, but only on your device.

We found the support for Wikitude was quick, helpful and really friendly, so that when we hit a bump in producing content, they quickly looked into it and fixed the isssue.

Using Wikitude Studio to create Augmented Reality content (above)

Wikitude also has the ability to be integrated into your own app, if you are developer, offering lots of SDKs that can be bought seperately, removing the need to download the Wikitude AR viewing app.

We have all enjoyed working with Wikitude, and audiences, for some reason really find interacting with content this way a fun and engaging experience.