Course Selection

Students, in consultation with their parents/guardians, are responsible for their course selections. Courses are run based on the number of students who request a course.  Consequently, it is very important that students make careful and wise choices during the course selection process.  Please note that some courses may be cancelled due to a low number of student requests. 

Take the time to carefully review and consider the information provided below before completing your course selections as course transfers and changes are not always possible. 



Review and use the information in the Planning Guide to research and gather the information needed to complete your course selections.


Review the course offerings, descriptions, and prerequisites via the online Course Calendar.

SBA Course Offerings Chart for 2024-2025


The myBlueprint Education Planner is an online tool available to all YCDSB students (Grades 7-12), teachers and parents to: investigate and research educational options for all pathways (apprenticeship, work, college and university), discover learning styles, explore career interest surveys, plan/select secondary school courses, set short-term and long-terms goals, build resumes and much more. 

Log in to myBlueprint to plan and complete your course selections. Instructions on how to activate and access your account can be found HERE.


Unsure how to complete your course selection? View the how-to video below.


Review the instructions on how to submit your SAF payment through School Day.

Step-by-Step Videos 

Student Course Selection.mp4

Student Course Selection Demo

Online Parent-Guardian Course Selection Approval.mp4

Online Parent/Guardian Approval

Grade Level Course Selection Infographics

Grade 9 Info Guide Infographic.pdf

Grade 9 Info / Course Selection Infographic

Gr. 9 to 10 Course Selection Infographic.pdf

Grade 9s Selecting Courses for Grade 10 Infographic

Gr. 10 to 11 Course Selection Infographic.pdf

Grade 10s Selecting Courses for Grade 11 Infographic

Gr. 11 to 12 Course Selection Infographic.pdf

Grade 11s Selecting Courses for Grade 12 Infographic

Course Selection Policies

Please note:

Earning Credits

We at St. Brother André believe that the best way to learn is as a full-time student in a day school such as ours.  This environment provides students with the correct amount of time, proper equipment and staff support to ensure that each student learns to his or her fullest potential.  We do understand that circumstances do occur that require some alternative ways to earn credits. For students who take courses outside of SBA, it is their responsibility to provide official documentation to Guidance for all final grades so that their course history can be updated. We do not enter midterm grades for students taking private school courses; this is the responsibility of the private school.

a) Timetable/Course Drop Policy

When students choose their courses in the spring, staffing and hiring decisions are made based on those choices. Selecting and registering in courses is a very serious process.  At St. Brother André, we encourage students to think carefully about their selection of courses and to discuss their choices with their parent(s)/guardian(s).  In addition to this, we provide counselling to ensure that students are choosing courses that are appropriate for them and their future plans. It follows that course changes will only be allowed only in specific circumstances.  However, we recognize that on occasion students will make improper selections or change career plans, so it is in this light that the following policy has been developed. After course verifications in the spring, no further changes to Gr. 9 & 10 electives will be permitted so students should choose very carefully.

b) Dropped Courses

Students in grades 9, 10, & 11 must carry a full load of courses.  Students in grades 9 & 10 are carrying Ministry compulsory courses so changes will not be allowed.  Students who are in their 4th year of study should carry a minimum of three courses each semester to the end of the semester.

Full disclosure - in Grades 11 & 12, course drops must be finalized within 5 days after the mid-semester report card is issued so that the mark is not reported on the final report card or the Ontario Student Transcript.

c) Retaking Courses

Students are permitted only two attempts at a particular course while enrolled in a regular program at St. Brother André. If students wish to try a course for a third time they will do so through the continuing education mode (summer school or night school) or by enrolling at another high school.

Except under extenuating circumstances, students may take a course only once per school year, unless they change course type; for example, if unsuccessful in earning an academic credit in S1, if there is space available,  the course can be scheduled at the applied level in S2. If students wish to repeat the course at same course type they are welcome to repeat it the following year or take it through the continuing education mode (summer school or night school, if available).

d) Night School/Summer School

We suggest that students attend Night school or Summer School when they have failed a course and are trying to get caught up or if a specific course is not be offered at our school due to low enrolment numbers.  In all cases, we suggest a conversation with a guidance counsellor. 

Registration information will be provided to all students and parents by the Guidance Department (905-294-7311 or 905-294-7312), or by the YCDSB Adult and Continuing Education Office (416-221-5051, ext. 3609).  A student may take courses at night school if they are not offered at St. Brother André, however, courses taken in the public school system will not be included in  Honour Roll calculations.

e)   On-line / e-Learn Courses

YCDSB offers on-line courses to Gr. 11 & 12 day school students.  For some students this is a great way to earn credits that they have failed in the past, or to earn elective credits as they plan their future pathways.  Students should see the information posted on the websites and consult with guidance to ensure they are making a good decision.  Again, such courses are for students who can learn independently, who are highly motivated and who are well organized.

f)   Credit Recovery and Tutorial

Credit Recovery is a course (RCR2O1) that is offered at St. Brother André.  This class can be for students who have failed one or more courses or to earn a full credit. Upon the recommendation of a guidance counsellor, school administration will decide which students can enter the Credit Recovery course.  

g)   Tutorial

Tutorial is a class of less than 12 students.  It is run through our special education department and typically used to support students who have an IEP. These students each work on a specific course that was not available at our school, that they need to earn within tight timelines or that they were unable to register for due to scheduling issues.  An example is a student who needs to study grade 12 college English to graduate, but can not register in the course because co-op is scheduled at that same time.  Students are not allowed to select this course, they are recommended by guidance or admin due to their specific learning needs, course requirements or personal situation. Approvals to enter a tutorial class will be determined by school administration.

h) Courses and University Applications

Students should be aware of the following:

Ontario universities are free to make offers of admission at any time following the completion of the first semester and upon the receipt from the Ontario Universities Application Centre of all relevant and necessary information.