Showcasing our AP studentS 

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Advice and feedback from current grade nine AP students

You may be embarrassed or worried about asking questions but the teachers are always willing to help and understand that AP classes are challenging.  

~ Madison K ~

I am so grateful to have an amazing teacher who has made each and every science class so fun and engaging. She guided and supported each of us into always doing our best! I am so excited to see what the rest of this year will bring! 

~ Dabria P ~

The AP program so far has been amazing. I took AP because I wanted a challenge and AP provided just that. I have made so many friends that are very similar to me and have the same interests as me.

~ Lukas S ~

The project and assignments are very engaging and it pushes all students to think critically. The program is well suited for all the students. The teachers have also been super helpful and very supportive! 

~ Alisha K ~

This course is beneficial for those who are willing to learn new things and go above and beyond. Personally, this course has been great so far and not too overwhelming. It is a lot of work, and you do have to process a lot of information, but it is doable and you will be very proud of what you have accomplished!! 

~ Olivia P ~

This is a great program for for you if you like challenges, works hard and are dedicated. There are amazing teachers who are always there to help you, if you need clarity on a subject, need extra help, or if you just need to ask a question. 

~ Charlotte P ~

You need to be able to keep up with the pace because the course moves quickly. Taking the SMK KickStart summer program will allow you to review and learn new concepts so you are better prepared for your AP courses. Remember not to procrastinate or you will fall behind. 

~ Arabella G ~

Video (Nov 14, 2021 at 23_24).MOV

Take a look at these amazing stop motion videos from last year's grade nine AP Prep Science class.


In all AP Prep & AP courses, the course mark will be multiplied by 1.05 to determine the mark that will be reported on the Provincial Report Card.