Unidad 4: el Bienestar

Essential Questions:

¿Cuál es el efecto de mis hábitos sobre mi bienestar? ¿Qué necesito hacer para mantener mi bienestar?

Well-being: How do my lifestyle habits affect my well-being? What do I need to do to maintain my well being?

Essential Learning Targets:

Interpersonal Speaking:

I can describe a variety of ways to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I can exchange basic information about my physical activities. I can explain how activity, sleep, and stress management are interrelated. I can express my intentions (goals) for improving my wellness and what I need or want to do to accomplish them.

Presentational Writing:

I can describe what measures I take for my health and well-being under different circumstances. I can recommend habits that support wellness.

Interpretive Reading and Listening:

I can demonstrate understanding of infographics, articles and videos related to teen wellness (rest, physical activity, eating habits)

Culture & Community:

I can compare and contrast healthy lifestyle habits across cultures.

Compare and contrast extracurricular activities for teens across cultures. I can compare and contrast the value of social or “down” time across cultures.

Vocabulario útil:

Quizlet: PART 1

Quizlet: PART 2 PRESENT Tense

Quizlet: PART 2 PAST Tense

Quizlet: PART 3

Quizlet: PART 4