Las familias y las comunidades

Preguntas esenciales/Guiding Questions

¿Qué rol tiene la vivienda en nuestra vida? /What role does our housing play in our life?

¿Cómo nos definen nuestras familias? /How do our families define us?

¿Cómo nos relacionamos dentro de la estructura familiar? /What are our relationships within our family?

¿Cómo se relacionan los miembros de una familia entre sí?/ How do family members relate to one another?

¿Cómo se distinguen las estructuras familiares a través del mundo? /How do family structures vary throughout the world?


Learners will:

Define 'identity' and describe its relation to culture

Reflect on their own family values and traditions, and begin to understand and express why these things are important to them

Consider how where we live helps to define who we are.

Understand how the roles and responsibilities of families and communities differ in societies around the world.