Unidad 3: ¿Cómes para vivir o vives para comer?

Essential Questions:

¿Cuáles son mis preferencias y hábitos alimentarios? What are my eating habits?

¿Cómo son los almuerzos escolares a través del mundo? What are school lunches like throughout the world?

¿Cómo se reflejan los hábitos de comer los valores de una sociedad? How do eating habits reflect a society's values?

Essential Learning Targets:

Interpersonal Speaking:

I can ask and answer questions about my food habits and preferences.

Presentational Writing and Speaking:

I can write a short description expressing my food preferences with reasons and descriptions.

I can provide suggestions on how to improve our school lunch options.

Interpretive Listening:

I can understand what I hear when someone describes their food habits and preferences.

Interpretive Reading:

I can understand when someone describes their food habits and preferences through writing.

I can evaluate and compare school lunch menus from the Spanish-speaking world.

Culture & Community:

I can identify and express my opinions on a variety of foods and meals from Spanish-speaking cultures as well as my own culture.

Vocabulario útil

Quizlet: pt 1 - I can describe what I eat and I can ask others to describe what they eat.

Quizlet: pt 2 - I can express my opinions about foods.

Quizlet: pt 3 - I can compare and contrast school lunches

Quizlet: pt 4 - I can identify problems with lunches and their effects

Quizlet: pt 5 -I can make suggestions about ways to improve school lunch.

Textivate: pt 1 I can describe what I eat and ask others to describe what they eat

Textivate: pt 2- I can express my opinions about foods

Textivate: pt 3 I can compare and contrast school lunches

Textivate: pt 4- I can identify problems with lunches and effects

Textivate pt 5 - I can make suggestions about ways to improve school lunch

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