Unidad 2: ¿Cómo mejoramos la comunidad?

Essential Questions

¿Cuáles son unos problemas que afectan a la gente alrededor del mundo?

What are the community problems affecting people around the world?

¿Cóman we improve our community?

Essential Learning Targets (ELTs)

Interpersonal Speaking:

I can describe the places in my community and its special traditions. I can talk about the pros and cons of living in my community.

Presentational Writing and Speaking:

I can describe the places in my community and its special traditions. I can identify the positive aspects of my community. I can identify problems in my community and their solutions.

Interpretive Reading and Listening: I can identify problems and solutions in various communities around the world, through articles and videos.

Culture & Community:

I can research a Spanish-speaking capital city, and compare it with my own.

I can compare cities from around the world.

Vocabulario útil

Quizlet: Partes 2,3

Quilet: Partes 4,5

Enlaces útiles -- la geografía del mundo hispano

Quizlet: países y capitales de Sudamérica

Quizlet: países y capitales de Centroamérica y el Caribe