8th grade French curriculum

Overview of 8th Grade French

8th Grade French at HMS is the 2nd part of a two–year sequence that is equivalent to French 1 at YHS. Our focus is on oral and written communication, reading and listening comprehension, vocabulary and grammar skills. We focus on Francophone culture and music. In particular, we will learn a little about the geography and history of French-speaking Africa, and its more recent ties to Maine. We will also study the geography, school system, cuisine, cultural traditions, and tourism of France.

Unit 4 / Révision - Review of 7th Grade French

Topics: Greetings, basic personal information, family members, physical description and personality traits, likes and dislikes, sports and leisure activities, weather, francophone countries, and prepositions with countries and cities

Structures:  Verbs “être” (to be) and “avoir” (to have)  and "aller" (to go) and adjective agreements, and possessive adjectives, verb “voir”

Unit 5: La rentrée scolaire - Back to School

Topics: School supplies and school subjects, Time and schedules, Means of transportation to school, French School System and cultural practices and products related to school, how are school lunches different in French Schools

Structures: Possessive adjectives, Present tense of -er verbs, Aller (to go), pronouns "y" and "en," Passé composé (past tense)

Unit 6 “Bon appétit!”: La nourriture et les repas - Food and meals

Topics: Fruits and vegetables, breakfast foods and drinks, place settings, lunch and dinner foods, well-known French recipes, ordering off a menu, café foods and culture

The verb prendre (to take), mettre (to put),  partitive (de la, du, de l', des), -IR verbs, the imperative

Unit 7 “Ma maison et chez moi ” - My House and Home

Topics:  Chores, rooms of a house and furniture, how houses are different in a variety of francophone countries

Structures: Verbs “vouloir” (to want), “pouvoir” (to be able to/may) , and “devoir” (to have to), “dormir” (to sleep), “sortir” (to go out), and “partir” (to leave)-Past tense with “être”