How can we help you?

The Ultimate Platform to Look After Your Wellbeing

How to fall asleep faster and sleep better

Mark's meaningful journey

Life takes unexpected turns. In this new podcast, Mark shares his journey from feeling lost and stressed to leading Action for Happiness. 

Finding Meaning 

Tips for finding happiness during May

Wednesday 8 May - 7.00 pm 

How can we be mindful in everyday life?

Mindfulness has entered the mainstream in recent years, but most of us still think of it more as a meditation practice than a constant way of living. At this special event, the legendary "father of modern mindfulness" Jon Kabat-Zinn will help us reconnect with how to cultivate moment-to-moment awareness - the essential life skill which helps us pay deeper attention to our mind, body and heart.

Rather than seeing mindfulness as an occasional practice, Jon will help us recognise that life itself is our meditation practice. And you can learn to make this the way you actually live your everyday life.Jon will share how to be more "at home with yourself", starting with a simple willingness to stay in the present moment and just see what happens. Because every single precious moment is the only moment you actually have.

This awareness helps you to 'befriend' your mind, let go of negative self-talk and recognise that "there's more right with you than wrong with you". You can then also discover that there is no such thing as "myself" in isolation. We are all part of something bigger.

Wellbeing Walks May 2024.pdf

Wellbeing Walks

Running for Wellbeing (1).pdf

Running for Wellbeing

Community Socials May 2024.pdf

Wellbeing Events

Wellbeing Service - Reminder of what is on offer

Time to Talk Poster.pdf

Time to Talk - It  Doesn't have to be one day. 

If you want to talk anything through see Mrs Batson or Miss Doggett

Free Weekly Football

Free Mental Health Reset 

30 day mental health reset to help gain control of your wellbeing and help manage stress, conquer anxiety and stop feeling low 

Wellbeing Courses at Thorpe St Andrew Sixth Form.pdf

Recommended reading and digital resources to help you understand your feelings and boost your confidence. Health and wellbeing experts have chosen the books to help you manage your emotions and cope with difficult times. All Norfolk Libraries are now stocking these books

Online Coaching Programme

General Wellbeing Hub


Low Mood

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - CBT

Stress and Exam Stress


Working at Home

Managing Sleep

Dealing with Uncertainty during COVID

Parent Information

 Essential Contact List